Learn what colleges expect from homeschool applicants. If it does, and it’s not already included in another section, go ahead and add it. they are not mentioned elsewhere in your application. If you extend a prior essay in the Additional Information section, the admissions officer will not have time to read it and will see that you disregarded their instructions. The Additional Information section is designed to include relevant factors to your application that would otherwise be missed. Colleges want to recruit students who have demonstrated they are good citizens who are involved in developing their talents and contributing to their communities. Hello – It allows 150 characters and that includes spaces. Presenting why you are the perfect student for an incoming class to an admissions committee of complete strangers is no easy feat. If you have a legitimate personal reason for bad grades, such as missed days of school due to a family emergency or illness, the Additional Information section may be the place to list it. Save time. Common Application Essay Strategies. The second text field allows you to elaborate and provide more detail. Often I find that teenagers don’t have a really accurate gauge of time so it may be helpful to weigh in with your own observations. For the Common App, you have 5 slots for honors and awards, and 10 slots for your extracurricular activities. You may want to highlight a prestigious award or research project you were dedicated to while in high school, as it could add strength to your application. Since then, I have strived to better my grades by attending after-school peer-to-peer tutoring. Utilize the Additional Information section to fill in any missing information that will be beneficial to your application. By asking these questions, you will be able to know what information can be put into the more generic sections of the Common App and what information needs to be highlighted for extra special consideration in the Additional Information section. Yes, you are limited by characters but if you find a way to play around with it you’ll figure out how to make the most important stuff fit. Many times, this will reflect poorly on your application because it is not what the admissions committee asked for. Typically I suggest students list scouts under Community Service. We hope they inspire you and help you to write your own unique essay for your college application. Encourage your daughter to just estimate the best she can and not worry about it too much. Admissions officers do not enjoy applicants that write more than is asked for or that do not follow the application’s instructions. In Saudi Arabia here colleges don’t care about activities and they don’t even bother to ask about activities. Dear Mina, I was also able to take advantage of social media platforms to create fundraising drives for Ananda Sagara, an orphanage and charitable organization I work with in Bangalore, India. The activities section is one of the most important parts of your application, particularly if you are applying to very selective colleges. This may be a good place to do so, but it may also come across as making excuses. At the end of each activity, there is a yes/no question asking if I want to continue this activity in college. should i mention what i just said in the common app? All Rights Reserved. 2. Common App Essay Example #1 If this sounds like you, then please share your story. In other words, pretty much anything pursued outside the classroom qualifies as an activity. Barbara. Common App is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to access, equity and integrity in the college admission process. Kathy, Leadership experience is important to highlight on your Common App. Some sections of the Common App are standard to all schools. Is there a way that I can state that the activities are ongoing or should I just not include them? There really are not firm rules and the way activities are arranged with vary based on the student’s record. Because I did dual enrollment since my freshman year of high school. Some of the diverse options for extra curricular activities on the Common Application drop down menu include career oriented activities, cultural activities, family responsibilities, environmental, religious, robotics, science/math, and paid work. Example 3. They may not have ten high school activities or ten activities that they find to be important. Is it a good idea to put that up as an activity? Also, she has had a lead role in each, does that count for leadership. I also recently read my old activities list and cringed. It is often easiest to draft these in a word processing program where you can see your character count. The residential requirements of KSTA limited my voluntary and employment hours to a few weekends per month and over the summer. Along with a personal essay, supplemental essays, Letters of Recommendation from the student’s counselor, and possibly multiple letters from the student’s teachers, the Common App’s ‘Activities’ section is an example of US universities wanting to get to know each prospective student ‘in the round’. Overview for the Common App. Coming up with lots of tiny activities they devoted just a little bit of energy to impresses no one. It just depends on what you have to choose from and how involved you’ve been in the activity. As your teens enter the college admissions process are you wondering what to expect? Yes, that is totally fine to combine similar activities such as several theater productions, etc. Anything you add should be genuine and important. As such, I needed to leave school for days at a time, as acute headaches impaired my vision and ability to walk in school. How to Write Your Common App Activities List This is a guest blog post written by Ethan Sawyer, The College Essay Guy . Admissions understands some activities run year round and some meet just occasionally or for a shorter period of time. Often it works best to just start grouping activities and see how they fit in the space. Best of luck, my activities description does not allow me to right more than 25 words. The experience should go above and beyond what is considered normal to include it in Additional Information. Hi Abigail, e.g. In this example, the applicant wrote factual information about the KSTA program and how it impacted them academically and in extracurricular activities. For this reason, I applied to the Kansas Science and Tech Academy during my freshman year. ), The NYU Acceptance Rate & More Vital Info About NYU Admissions. Read on for everything you need to know about the 2019-2020 Common App. The Common App will relaunch on August 1 with six new changes expected. If you feel that your story is better told that way, consider making it the subject of your personal statement, but only if it is the best way to answer the prompt. Freewriting. Learn what types of honors you can include, what order to place them in, whether abbreviations are allowed, and how to use your 100 characters for description. If you have participated in an impressive research study or have been published, absolutely mention your accomplishments in the Common App. Analysis: Not every entry in the Activities section needs to meet the 150-word limit; this entry, for example, communicates salient information about the activity in merely 15 words. With the inclusion of the popular "Topic of Your Choice" option, you have the opportunity to write about anything you want to share with the folks in the admissions office. An example is from a student who wrote a strong IB essay: My IB essay was about media commentators, journalists, politicians, and prominent news anchors and their effects on stock prices after discussing political economy and markets on television shows. This is particularly true if the achievement is related to your potential long-term career path or major of study. Do all Common App colleges use courses & grades in their admissions process? It is a strategy that many busy students use in order to make their activities fit the space available. For the 2020-21 application cycle, the Common Application essay prompts remain unchanged from the 2019-20 cycle. Hello Maria, Many applicants try to make excuses for poor performance by using life events to their advantage on college applications. Rather, it is the chance to explain why the grading system used is atypical. Barbara. Check the common app activities section examples. If genuine personal hardships did impact your academic performance, and you overcame them, be sure to mention this. You may also be interested in: Good luck with your applications, Property of Common App, Inc. 2020 Common App, Inc. commonapp.org The Activities section is one of the seven sections of the Common App tab. Think carefully before you mention a hardship in this section. Also she plays a seasonal spot– 10-15 hours per week, but only for 2 months,but played every year since 10th grade? The Common Application is the most widely used application for college admissions in the US. In addition to listing your family responsibilities in the activities section, ... share on this topic, and they will treat your personal story with respect and confidentiality. i never knew the importance of extra curricular activities until now that i’m applying to U.S colleges. Hi I would like to know if dual enrollment counts as an activity. It is located in a school district that my family favors. We are having trouble with the “average hours per week” section. It is fine to list new activities if they are important to you. Additionally, make that volunteer experience unique and related to perhaps your cultural background, local community, or career ambitions. Position and Organization Details That is totally fine. How to fill out your Common App activities section: 1. That’s why i never really had the chance to participate in school activities. Using the Additional Information section is not required and should only be done when you have something to highlight or explain that makes your overall application stronger. Should I combine or separate the two? Here's the COMPLETE application that got me into every school I applied to, including Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton. What you should do if you have no ECs. one other problem is that i’m applying to U of Michigan and in their essays they ask me to talk about one of my activities. Top 3 Benefits of the Common App. Hi Evan, Navigate your entire college application journey with Common App. Education: In this section, you will list all schools attended with contact information and, Testing: This section includes your standardized test scores, including ACT or SAT, TOEFL (if required for non-native English speakers), and, Activities: In this section, you are able to list up to 10. Learn about the benefits of the Common App and get our expert tips on how to manage your time through the college admission cycle. That said, the Common App is a part of the admissions process that needs to be filled out with precision and care. I’m in my HS orchestra, chamber (first chair 9-12), and participated in multiple festival events. One section of the Common Application that confuses many students is the activities section. Common App Essay Prompts 2020-2021. Make sure that anything you add is distinctly different from the topics you covered in other writing portions of the Common App. © 2021 Homeschool Success. There is no single rule here. Would being a parent qualify for the “family responsibilities” section? It is a common question that students have. Preparing your Common App activities can be just as stressful as completing the personal statement and college-specific supplements. These questions vary and often cover things like your academic interest or program, your state of residence, or preferences about school housing. An example would be a parent passing away or you recovering from a serious illness that impacted the grades of one semester or year of high school. Make sure you are not using this section to fit in more information for the sake of looking impressive. “Please describe this activity, including what you accomplished and any recognition you received, etc. The reality is that doing so will reflect negatively on your overall application because it will show that you joined too many activities and did not follow the application instructions. Family activities, work experiences, and your hobbies can all fall under this category. The point with this is to keep the writing brief and direct to explain what happened and what period of time it affected in your life. Thanks. There is a 650-word limit on this section if the applicant decides to use it as a relevant part of their Common App. Designing apps or working at the beach as a lifeguard are appropriate to list. ... Use the Additional Information section on the Writing page to share important résumé details that you could not fit on the Activities … ... ©2020 The Common … Our SAT® course is out! This is especially true when your list of activities exceeds the limit set by the Common App! Students who want to be successful in highly selective admissions are advised to start early and carefully build their... Has the deluge of college mail started arriving in your homeschooler’s mailbox yet? One section of the Common Application that confuses many students is the activities section. The key to determining if you should use the Additional Information section is if the information you plan to include adds value to your application. For a first-year college applicant, sections are divided into: The whole Common App seems pretty comprehensive, right? These are often more personal in nature but should not be confused with the personal statement. My daughter takes piano and voice lessons, she is involved in choir in school and community theater. Hettle College Consulting – consulting for public and private school students. Below are some examples of things to include, as well as things NOT to include, on the Additional Information section of the Common App. HELP ME . Extracurricular activities can take on a special importance for homeschoolers. What if we have private lessons? Many students see ten lines in the activities section and they panic. ), 75+ Community Service Ideas & Projects: The Volunteer’s Guide, How to Write the Common App Activities Section (Examples Included! ... 2020. If you spent time in France for one year and became fluent in French or your parents had your family move to Africa while they worked for the Red Cross, you should mention this. It led to financial hardship for my family and a drop in my grades. Brainstorming Common App Essay topics. Apply to college for the first time or transfer to complete your degree. Deciding to use this section is something that should be carefully considered and based on the individual applicant’s life circumstances. Thanks for your questions. First, make sure that you have a legitimate explanation for your poor performance, such as prolonged illness or missed school days due to a family move. Take Advantage of this Opportunity Would it be correct to say for example (for my journalism publication): “Reporter, Social Media Producer (11), Mustang Morning News”? Art encompasses a wide variety of … Stay on track and ease your anxiety with our second-to-none college application assistance. Activity type: Community Service (Volunteer) Position/Leadership description and organization name, if applicable: Key Club: Club President; Kiwanis Coordinator (1) Details, honors won, and accomplishments: High school community service organization which I helped coordinate as Club President. Hello Wendy, Does he answer the “average hours per week” as the total hours divided by 52 (weeks in a year), or the total hours divided by 12 (weeks he has put down as participating)? The key to this section is to have a balance in what you are putting. If that’s the case, keep your explanation short and to-the-point. Stereotypes about homeschoolers persist and activities are an opportunity to demonstrate that teens have been well-socialized and are  members of their communities. The text for this answer is limited to 50 characters including spaces. A good Additional Information entry may look something like this: I felt that the curriculum offered at Josano Main High School did not challenge me to achieve my true potential. It allows applicants to complete one common application, hence the name “Common App,” when applying to universities. Admissions officers know that students who were immersed in activities during their high school years are more likely to also be active on their college campus. This example is about the passing of a parent: My mother passed away in Spring 2018. For some students, the 10 spaces for Common App activities are just not enough. This student describes the sacrifices her family made: I attend a school 35 minutes from my home. Pinterest – Check out our collection of college admissions policies for homeschoolers. If you were involved in any clubs or non-classroom activities as part of your dual enrollment those would be considered extracurriculars. many orchestra participation; summer jobs, etc.? The Common App Activities Section is an opportunity to demonstrate to the Common App colleges your talents, skills, and specific examples of extracurricular activities you’ve participated in … See my Common App, personal essays, and recommendation letters, and learn strategies for your own college application. Activities on the Common Application do not need to be based in schools or through traditional organizations like Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. I am currently involved in some activities that I am really proud of and would like to include on my Common App, but I am not sure if I should include them since I’ve only been involved with them in a short time. By offering room for ten activities the Common Application is not saying students should have ten activities, just that they possibly may. Demonstrating participation and accomplishment through extracurricular activities is essential for all college applicants. Keep in mind that you are able to list and briefly describe leadership you held within activities in the Activities portion of your application. By doing this, you will be able to see what holes there are in the application. Use a sample to craft your application essay section about activities. I think it’s tempting for homeschool teens to want to cram their Common Application with as many activities as possible, but it really is about quality over quantity. It is pretty common for students to carry on some but not all of their high school interests into college so you don’t have to say yes to everything. The first text field provides a place for students to list position/leadership name and organization name if applicable. Hello Lily, The Common Application, as well as many individual college applications, provides room for students to list out extracurricular activities. Balance carefully when writing about complicating life situations. It doesn’t just have to be organized activities. Good luck! This may overshadow other impressive parts of your application. ... Common App Essay Examples . It is a common mistake to include a small volunteer trip to show commitment to community service. , ¨academic, art, athletics:club, athletics: jv/varsity, career orientated, and community service¨. You should also make a point to highlight how you overcame that obstacle and grew from the experience. What are some things that you SHOULDN’T say in your details portion of each activity? Sure, private lessons such as music lessons are an activity. Be sure to take the time to preview your activities on the screen. Most of us don’t keep time logs of every minute of our days, so estimating is what is expected here. While social media is an increasingly popular way for colleges to market, the familiar glossy brochures filling the mailbox are a... Facebook – Follow for the latest in homeschooling and college admissions news. 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