Most of her struggles come at night: pacing and anxiety and waking me up to take her out because she’s too afraid to go out by herself via the doggie door. Thank you so much for your wonderful insight. She doesn’t really want to interact with me much at all now and as I mentioned, does not know who I am. So I am going to skip ahead, over our wonderful years together, and go to the end. Poignant comfort from Joe’s words. She falls into the food and water bowls and gets spooked if i try to pick her up or pet her. Sophie was my 5th rescue. I feel like we may need to make a decision soon but I don’t Want to do it for the wrong reasons. My girl, Alexis, is a Dachshund/Jack Russell and reached her 15th birthday this year. Even with limited interactions between the two of them, Cricket managed to intimidate my very pushy puppy Clara, who quickly grew to be more than three times Cricket’s size but never even thought of messing with her. You were all a blessing in a difficult time and for that thank you. This was such a comfort to both of us. She is deaf and does not seem to recognize anyone. It has been seven weeks since my little buddy oscar and I said are good byes,the pain is still so great.I think of him every minute of the day,still cry for him.Oscar i love you.Thank you for the best sixteen years of my life.. Hi Patty, this is a very tough decision. People have oohed and awed over him his whole life. I am letting my 16 year old Westie go next week. I don’t want to put him down because I’m being inconvenienced. Them we noticed out of nowhere, the storms we’ve had recently, he could of care less, stopped barking when our Ring doorbell would chime, and then 2 weeks ago…the unthinkable…he stopped sleeping with us :(. I want to say to anyone else out there struggling with this most difficult choice that the words that most comforted me were “better a week too early than a day too late”. Thank you for your post! I hope you still have some good times left, or, if not, you can make a decision you can accept. My Roger is much like your dog was. I am heart broken my best friend left this earth. We gave her all the medical treatments she needed and all the love…and more…that we knew she needed. I’m so sorry about your Sophie. and perhaps .. time for a new pair of pups in my house Loyal friend She still knows where she is, but often seems distressed and unsettled. It sounds like you have done an amazing job giving Jake a good quality of life against a lot of odds. I’m so sorry for your loss of Teddy. He lost 6 pounds in the past month, 16 pounds since March and was so weak and sad. I would have felt so much worse if I had waited and she would have suffered. We went to the vet and got some drops that he had to have administered 3 times a day. This group was so helpful when I put my sweet Beezle to sleep 2 wks ago. Constant pacing, bumping into things, getting stuck in corners…I hated leaving him alone at all because I worried he would be stuck somewhere for hours and I didn’t want him to be anxious. And it’s hard no matter the circumstances to say good bye to our loved fur babies. In most cases, a dog with canine degenerative myelopathy will be put down / euthanized within 6 months to 3 years after diagnosis. It helps to know I am not alone in this pain and that others know what I am going through. Dogs with metastatic cancer or end-stage kidney disease are obviously ill. We can see their suffering. She’s a lucky girl. We were selfish because she deserved that much . OUR GROUP with support, words of wisdom & comfort has helped immensely!!! Happy, funny, doing a trick for a cookie. I assume by now you have been to the vet. I have been agonizing over what to do. Is it too early? We are heartbroken- but know it was the right thing to do. It is a selfish thought, I know. He would no longer stare into my eyes w love. I pet neighborhoos doogies WHO KNOW!! This all changed 3 weeks ago. He had never done that before. One thing I’ve found helpful…and take it for what it’s worth…I do a lot of journaling about my dogs and I chart a lot of their behaviours. PS My mom had Alzheimer’s before my dog got dementia, so I have seen it from both sides, too. We go to the vet every six months and he always has a clean bill of health: heathy heart (even with a heart murmur he’s had since he was born) and no fluid in his lungs. His symptoms are a little different. This is very scary. I can only say to you that I will be thinking of you on Wednesday and hoping that one day, I will be as brave as you. He does a lot of circling & pees in the house with no warning. Bless you for your loving care for Boomer. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I am now being ripped apart with guilt. I have comfort that my Sophie girl gone 8 months is in the sky with the diamonds@ I made the decision after her decline, and I cannot stop grieving. My little pug girl passed on Saturday, the day after Valentines. But I can see the decline she is in. Hi Doug, Here’s a link to it. Dear Melissa, Between the wall and tv cabinet or under an end table. It’s been almost a week since I let Maggie go. Hello. We got ten years, and I’m so grateful for that. It’s my life that the routine impacts the most even though my ex and I “share” custody. Is he happy when he eats, or is that primal need for food? I like your empathetic approach to the question. I send a hug & prayers for We want to remember our sweet girl as our true companion and squirrel chaser for years to come. Its such a hard decision but she deserves dignity and to be remembered as she was with. My heart is broken but deep down I know this final step was the correct one for us to take together today. THE BEST WAS GIVEN TO YOUR “BABY” Whew! im almost 65,I lost my old girl 2 years ago to CDD I doubt i will own another dog,i could not She too has “lost her mind”, most of her hearing and sight as well. I agree with you that we are generally not told by our pet when it’s time. Rosie is a 14 y/o Broder Collie Blue Heeler mix. she is not in severe pain although her hind legs are very weak and after we go for walks, I usually have to help her get up for awhile. I am grateful beyond measure for your words. He never lifts his head. He gets lost inside a lot, trapped behind furniture and bumping into walls often – especially more so the last few days. I just came across this article in trying to figure out with my poor little dog, and saw your post about Bruiser. She has been by my side through so many ups and downs in life. He needs a bath twice a week. She also showed arthritis through the x-rays. We at first thought Peri had lost most of his vision. The vet put him on trazadone which worked for a while but now, now nights are the hardest. He’s now totally blind and I risked dental surgery and had almost all his teeth pulled last year. We went through the same experience one year ago. Thank you so very, very much for your article and for taking the time to post it so we – those of us at this juncture in the life of our beloved pets all thank you beyond what our words can say. Dave, I’m so sorry. A lovely team came to our house and I held him close, he was already mostly asleep in my arms, and I thanked him for his love and support. He was so panicked. They died at 15, 14, 11 (cancer) and now Spike is 16. Thank you. Those things are real and commonly experienced by owners. We spent the rest of the night on the floor with her. He will dig at the floor and there is nothing there. People who can afford to give their pets good medical care usually decide to euthanize their pets when they won’t eat and start to waste away. I get what ur saying because he was still eating n drinking n coming to me but he was so anxious i couldn’t bear to upset him like he was. I had some experience with dementia since my mother had Alzheimer’s, but I had no idea dogs could get it until then. Tammy,i will keep you and your family in my thoughts all day Saturday.Praying for you. All he wants to do is stand in one spot or pace. There is so much emotion and pain and sadness we all share. But sometimes, when dogs with advanced dementia still … Thank you for the wonderful article. Thanks for writing. I guess I just want someone to tell me that it is ok to let her pass, that she lived an amazing long life and she will get to cross over the rainbow bridge and be with her sister a Lab Kata who passed almost 3 years ago from oral malignant melanoma. Mobility plays such … Peeing and pooing everywhere and then pacing in it. We loved that little guy so much it hurts. Buster is lucky to have ended up with you, that’s for sure. Your grief has it’s roots in the deep love and commitment you had to your little guy. She doesn’t have a crystal ball either and tells me to follow my heart. I found myself asking the same thing of my friends and family – asking them if I’m blinded by the bond we have. I do hope Millie has some more good days. This past August, we almost had to make the decision in the emergency room, when she had a severe episode of IBD. I’m so thankful that I can come on the internet and find thoughtful commentary on topics such as this. Anne,I had felt the same way about having someone else to take Oscar to vet ,but personally I felt I should be there for him,I just wished I would have gave him a seditive before we left home.I didn’t want any of his ashes i have plenty of pictures just haven’t been able to look at.sure it’s going to hurt i still hurt and think of him everyday ,sometimes I think I still hear him.I miss him so much.ia m always here. He has also been climbing behind things, my desk, the tv stand and even tried the washer…all very unusual for him. He crossed the rainbow bridge earlier this evening. So, all I have left is Cornelius, and that’s why I’m having such a difficult time with the idea of letting him go. Just a thought. Yes, my heart knew otherwise. We’ve been crying all week. He is a 16 1/2 year old lab mix. I wish someone tells me what to do. And that makes me smile through my tears. Lie if i say I can’t tell him that it is his last sight and breath on the way to the vet. Thank you X. Hi Kate, It helped me today. I hope you are easy on yourself whatever you do; it’s very clear how much you love Jack and what great care you have taken of him. It is a week later and I am still choked up. This is hard because you want to do what is best for the dog but putting her down so fast is not always fair to the dog but it might be just more convenient for the human but she always cries not knowing if she wants food, in pain or is she just confused? I cant confine her. He was so kind in explaining that giving her the good life I have may have to be good enough. It’s great advice to talk to the vet about options for sedation, too. He would eat a little but slept 20 hours a day and wandered when he was up. He does go outside to pee, but can hardly walk. Physically there is nothing wrong with her and she has only done her business in the house a couple of times. She doesn’t go out when I open the door, but I take her by the collar to be her eyes and guide her through the door to go potty. When Princess got the sedative shot, she let out such a sigh of relief. In particular, I’m wondering if it helped with her night behavior? He still eats and drinks. But I feel like I’m grasping for ANY little bit of hope when really 90% of her day is bad. I’m sorry Riley is slipping away. If YOU recall the 5th color in the rainbow, I have a blue solar light for Sophie in my yard.. Without being flippant, she inadvertently made your decision an obvious one. Pretty sure I’m saying goodbye this week to her. We started a trial of steroids but warned me the prognosis was grim. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Her legs fail constantly and she trips easily, she sleeps most of the day and the toilet accidents happen all the time. He seemed so miserable and confused all the time. Thank you Roberta and happy birthday to you.Hope your right about Oscar at the rainbow bridge I miss him so much life sure is not the same. play her music while I walk! He is not getting better. I know his quality of life has diminished greatly in the last few months.. thank you all for reading our story!!. It’s okay to cry Roberta were all trying to heal,and we are all family here I guess are loved do keep on giving even after there gone. When I got Cricket from rat terrier rescue, she was already about six to eight years old. I also plan to ask our vet about a possible anti-anxiety medication to use before bedtime. It really was easier on both of us I think. Today I am crying much! Ann,listen to you vet,it’s not fair to jes s to keep living like this.Not going to lie to you putting my dog oscar to rest was the hardest decision i ever had to make it hurts bad but it has to be done for the good of both of you.Jess doesn’t understand what is napping either.Talk to your get about giving jess a additive before hand,I wish I would have done this for oscar.Never forget the good times they mean so much to have them.He strong. The calming cookies and rescue remedy helped take the edge off. For a good week I felt like I lost my purpose in life to be perfectly honest and any future plans didnt mean anything. It’s extra hard to figure out everything that is going on when a dog also has visual difficulties. Oh my goodness. Have you checked out the newer quality of life scale, here, which actually includes questions about the caregiver? And I had already been trying to make all of her days sweet. But so many things can go haywire in their brains; it makes sense. But, it is important to remember that you don’t have to make this decision alone. Like a human eith Alz Dz he wore diapers, and I knew it was time when his howling increased & meds made him worse. Now I must believe that all of our “BEST FRIENDS” are romping on heaven over the Rainbow Bridge! She has had an amazingly loving and fun filled life. I have learned so much here and from the book. I’m sorry that you, too, are having to consider these things with Chloe. I will be thinking of all of you in the coming days. I have been privileged to have had 5 BEST FRIENDS! Our vet told us today that it’s time whenever we are ready. Generally, if you notice any kind of change in your dog’s personality or you just feel something isn’t right, go see your vet anyway – it’s better safe than sorry. Dear Lynne, I do still cry and will always miss her…aka my baby. You made me think. You were right on in that we all want a “sign” or a trigger that will tell us the moment it’s time to make the big decision. It was the most precious moment of my life.” Take in every moment, let the love and pain wash over you, and remind Beasle through touch and sound how very loved he is and how it is okay for him to now move on. The SAINTS even embrace pets who are Jewish! and now I am losing 11 years of love and laughter Thank you and much love to you all. OH I DO TALK TO SOPHIE EACH DAY!! Gosh, I just keep hoping that our Maggie will just pass in her sleep peacefully. This is so hard. I loved that boy with my entire being. All of our beloveds ,who we were privileged to have too short a time are at peace! Dear Eileen I’m struggling as you are my Sawyer was diagnosed a week ago and had been struggling with Cushing’s disease also. Reading the comments and your words help me to know that we are not alone in this gut-wrenching event. I had spent the afternoon cuddling him and tell him how much I loved him and would miss him. He just exuded love and personality and we had a very special bond. Once we start to settle in at night, he starts to pace and whine. Good luck. And yes, I can’t argue with you there: it’s brutal. Thank you. My life will never be the same but I have the best memories with her and if I’m honest, I had been missing her for a long time before she physically left us. I’m glad the tech was kind. That sounds so hard, Jan. This is one of the newer symptoms. We don’t mind cleaning up cause we love her. She never had accidents in the house up until last year. But the last few weeks she has deteriorated a lot, she has developed cataracts that weren’t there a month ago, her back legs are weak and can no longer get onto my daughters bed ( her favourite place)she has lost weight and gets lost walking around the house, she then starts to bark constantly until someone goes and shows her how to get out of the room she’s in, she looks at us like she doesn’t know us at sometimes, she seems to have lost her spark and I know I need to make that choice and that she’s not going to tell me when she’s ready. If you don’t know where to start with this, consult a professional dog-trainer. Take care. My heart is breaking and I am trying to honor her by letting her rest. It’s basically like a shell of a dog, he’s not our Bosley anymore I feel like he’s just existing and not enjoying life. Usually, they have several options. Neigh doggies great me and KNOW! The list goes on.. His hind end is so frail and he is in pain getting up and lying down. I came to your page as I’m trying to find courage to euthanize my beloved kelpie. But none of the symptoms stopped. It helps to remember OUR BEST FRIENDS at their best and also layer on. CCD is cruel. I would cuddle him like a baby. the quality of life scales are useful too. She is having MULTIPLE POTTY ACCIDENTS a day… i don t think she is in pain but my carpet is TOAST. It is a struggle for him to lie down. I’m so sorry you didn’t get kindness or comfort from your vet. some say your dog will let you know,in my case I didn’t believe, but mine did. But I’m very, very glad the article helped. She had no metabolic or internal problems that I knew of, but her rear end weakness was making it harder to walk. She was SO lucky to have you looking out for her that you were willing to give her the kindest, most unselfish gift. When I went to give him a bath to wash off the blood, his hair started coming off in clumps revealing extensive open sores that had been hidden by his fur. It’s our responsibility as owners to not just ensure that our furniture and... Why Can’t You Pet a Service Dog? Made an appointment to put her down last week but I couldn’t go thru so I canceled it last week. I know it’s for my husband and I to make, but man….this sucks. I am getting sadder and sadder because I know the time is coming. I take comfort in believing that others 9n heaven now have our beloveds. I noticed maybe 3 to 4 months ago she was running our other girls Molly, Bella, and Lucy into the ground in the back yard when the dementia symptoms started. on the 6th nov last.I was tortured with knowing when it was ‘time’ what helped me decide were the following; I can’t wait to have her properly and respectfully displayed. Julie,so sorry to hear about lulu.Crying for you,hugs to you. She got quieter instead of barkier, to the great relief of my other dogs. His partner in crime Priscilla was put down after a long fight with cancer. Yes we love him, and would do anything to take care of him and keep him alive but are we doing what’s best for him? The thing that often is the hardest for me is all the free time I suddenly seem to have. As the parents of furry ones, we charge ourselves with making the most horrible of choices to ensure the ones we love do not suffer. Thank you everyone for giving me the strength and the wisdom to say goodbye to my amazing friend. I hope our Tessa meets up with her over the Rainbow Bridge. Leslie: While I am not you and so can’t exactly get what you are feeling, my heart is breaking for you. Not just cry but anguish lol. I just want to wait till the pandemic is over with so that I can accompany her to her last breath. She will also fall off her dog bed, and trip on things. He’s so great during the day it’s just at night that I can’t get any sleep. I gave Holly a good dose of magnesium citrate and melatonin two hours prior to the appointment so she was very calm and sleeping on her bed when the vet arrived. The next day, I picked up a sedative from the veterinarian and CBD oil to help calm him and help him to sleep at night. I probably waited longer than i should have. The clinical name for Alzheimer’s in dogs is Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (see definition). So even when my daughter is not here she still has a price of poss to take wherever she is living. Each day present her with a new challenge and us a new set messes to clean up . I don’t know what I’m going to do with my hands that will be empty without hugging her and petting her fluffy soft fur 100 times a day. We muzzle him when we go for walks and if anyone comes to the house he doesn’t really know (just in case) the vet said we need to be careful and not get bit, it’s so painful to say but I actually feel I can’t trust him anymore and muzzle him when I trim his coat or anything else I have to do to him. Until Zer0, I had never known of a fearful dog who didn’t eventually come out of his shell. It sounds to me that you did Paddy a kindness. Many years ago, I waffled and waffled and waited too long…and it was much worse for me in the aftermath to realize that I had hung on for no reason other than wanting to spare myself the pain. What if it was a brain tumor n we didn’t investigate it? She paced constantly and would sit and spin around. I’m so sorry this is happening. Having a bad night sleeping,all I can think about is my little buddy oscar.Coming home after work and he’s not here is i miss him.HUGS and kisses little buddy. But I do it…whats causing the dreaded decision is he cannot get up 80% of the time. He has always been such a good dog! Eileen. He’s been pacing and roaming around the house. He was comforted by my presence. making the decision and sticking to it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. She circles over and over when she is not sleeping. My pup was so vibrant, so loyal.. why did dementia come for her? I’m sorry it’s so hard. Returning home, I lay my cell phone by her ashes for awhile. Yes, they do steal food! There are folks around here who definitely need it. He said “she’s on borrowed time”, which I agree with. Sending you the hugest of hugs as you go through this journey… I found this article quite comforting. Although it’s only been a few months since I her CDS diagnosis, in hindsight I now believe she’s been showing signs for about a year. One thing which is vital for you to … The thought of losing him is just too much to bear. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow to let her go. & she walks and walks. My heart goes out to all the momma’s out there that experience this with their fur baby. Tina, I’m so sorry. BEST WISHES & HEARTFELT THOUGHTS TO YOU & YOURS! It took dad ten years and my mum only a month before. Rest easy, my precious girl. It’s so hard when they are still physically in pretty good shape. I’m afraid I’m ‘giving up’ too soon, that maybe I should wait awhile longer, but then I realize that waiting too long would be even worse. I fear that maybe I’m considering putting him down while there is still hope for him and that maybe I’m wrong for thinking this is best for him. I didn’t let him inside that night because I wanted him to sleep in his dog house that he use to love. Time believe it or not is helping me heal. I have lost other dogs over time but none like what I have been going through for the past year. She barks at the wall, all day/night. Has heart failure and breathing issues. Sweet Beezle crossed the rainbow bridge this morning.. I will email you too in case you don’t see this response. I still walk Sophie’s walk, sans , She does phone/videoconferencing consults. I will miss him so much…. But he didn’t want massages anymore. Thank you for sharing your experience with Sugar. Dear George, other methods are an injection into the heart or stomach We also have a 4 year old male, Gunnar, but he is so puppy-like that she just ignores him. Last night it was worst: he could barely stand and walk. It seems to calm her down. What a wonderful owner and friend you were to Corkie. I wish peace for Cooper, you, and your family. She is 14 + catahoula. Thank you very much for this. …I was allright for awhile, I could smile for awhile, then…” But the upshot seems to be that it is only helpful in some very specific circumstances to a small percentage of dogs. You are in the best position to determine the quality of Buster’s life and the ethics of intervening. Stick To A Routine. I work from home so fortunately I can be with her all the time. Hi Kathleen, Was I being selfish by keeping her with me? Today I called our mobile vet and made an appointment for Tessa to cross the Rainbow Bridge tomorrow morning. Bruno from Portugal. He’s lost the light in his eye. I thought I would feel more confident that it was the right time. I share your struggles.i found a way to help the night time getting up, I sleep next to her on the floor The Dr confirmed what I suspected all along – dementia. And I sure hope CCD isn’t appearing with your younger Doxie as well. (After long observation, I decided that Cricket was not distressed when circling. I thought she would like that. And I was. I’m sorry you are going through this with your dog, and that your dog passed away with dementia. You make me smile He never reverted back. Since I retired 5 years ago with Parkinsons, Trix has been my constant companion and therapist. It took a while because I had never heard of CCD, but he was finally diagnosed correctly and started on Selegiline. I am second guessing my decision, I wish he could tell me if it’s the right thing to do. It’s been too much heartache for me. Well, I made the decision. He ran and circled around and played. However, yesterday my Dad passed away unexpectedly. I was sad to read of others experiencing what we’ve been living with for more than a year now. I started having to diaper her a couple of years ago and now she has scraped the fur off her back trying to get them off. He has a great appetite but his dementia is severe. The night before his appointment with the vet, my little boy had the worst night of pacing and anxiety he had ever experienced. Well I made an appointment for tomorrow, 1/15, for Bosley to cross over the rainbow bridge. I know I’m going to need all the strength in the world to take her to that appointment but I know it isfor the best. 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