She did do well 2 years ago when we had a dachshund but he passed on and she has been alone the last 2 years. If your Chihuahua is at all apprehensive about this meeting, give him a treat and walk away with your pup. When you cannot directly supervise the dogs together, puppy should be crated or in the pen. For example, if pup comes over to your older dog when he is trying to sleep, tell pup Out. Take precautions like crating both dogs, having pup be in an exercises pen, and keeping dogs on leashes. Will be adding a male puppy in april. However, I would like to know how this would work the other way round. Your dog can be with you, but the amount of interaction time should be reduced, especially where attention-seeking behaviors are concerned. Exercise helps to dissipate anxiety and provides constructive interaction between you and your dog. Excitement can sometimes be fear based. class within driving distance of you I suggest joining that class. Ignore any hysterics for now, but back up and create more space if your dog is unwilling to eat. Wait until pup is 8 weeks of age to bring home so they don't miss out on social interaction with mom and siblings, but are still young enough to bond easily with you - people. I have an english bulldog and a miniature schnauzer at home, would my bulldog hurt the chihuahua?? Provide that interaction for pup with other puppies elsewhere. ok i have a male chihuahua hes 7 1/2 months now and…i just bought another chihuahua she i a female and only 9 weeks old…i put her down to introduce them an it didnt go so well she got a cut on her nose but shes ok im trying to figure out how to make them get along please e-mail me back,thanks alot. You can use these commands as he is meeting new friends. social. This is never an easy choice and normally pet owners will try hard to find a solution that permits them to keep both. It could be due to the specific differences in their personalities (some dogs get along better with certain temperaments of dogs, and not with others). I don’t know what to do because we are there all the time. with other animals, introduce your dogs to your new Chihuahua slowly and Your dog should receive 15 to 20 minutes of sustained aerobic exercise once, preferably twice, per day. My oldest is a Beagle and the other one is a russel,chihuahua mix. I HAVE AN8 YEAR MALE CHIWAWA. I also recommend learning more about counter conditioning and desensitization. Chihuahua, Pomeranians, etc) is not recommended because the body and overall support system is not strong enough to cope with repeated pregnancies. Key 0 - Worst choice 10 - Best choice . But you should be careful about mixing them with larger dogs. Pups need a chance to be socialized, build confidence (Johhny more so) and to find out that other puppies won't play with them if they are too rough (June more so likely). We have got a cavalier king Charles dog When you bring pup home, join a puppy kindergarten class or play group to help pup learn social skills around other dogs - puppies learn those best by playing with other puppies. Each time your dog breaks their “stay,” issue a verbal correction, indicating that there will be no reward, and then escort them back to their bed. I know this is true because we did it with Mika and Arlo. At the same time, give the other dog a treat as well. Hello Nicole, I rescued Dorito and gave him to my girlfriend. She tries to bite him and growls and just gets so riled up. i learned he was much better with females, small dogs, and that he actually did gravitate towards other chi’s. Although we are having to revisit this with Arlo, so you can see it is a continuous … Spend a whole lot of time socializing the first pup with other puppies, people and dogs during the first year of life to ensure pup will adjust well to a new puppy later. Almost all puppies will cry the first two weeks of crate training - it is new to them and they have to be given the opportunity to learn to self-sooth and self-entertain to prepare them for environments they will have to be in later and prevent dangerous destructive chewing habits that happen without confinement. To accomplish this, it is helpful if you train them to perform a sit-stay or down-stay while gradually increasing the time that they hold the command and remain at a distance from you. You want your older dog to begin to want your younger dog around, because when the younger dog is around your older dog gets treats. Some she is good with quickly, others it can take weeks, if not months. Confident or nervous. No aggression, no pushiness, no stealing toys, no stealing food, no being possessive of people or things, or any other unwanted behavior - if one dog is causing a problem, you be the one to enforce the rules so that the dogs are NOT working it out themselves. If you give your dog attention every time they whine, it helps to foster the dog’s dependence on you and increases its anxiety in your absence. The best toys for Chihuahuas are the ones that can be used to stimulate the intelligence of these small dogs. If your older dog growls at your pup, make your older dog leave the room while also disciplining pup for antagonizing if needed. The best Chihuahua toys and accessories are a great way to show off these personalities! Always pair a meeting with treats and commands. Fearful or timid dogs may not want to interact with any dogs that are very much larger than they are, so these Chis may be more comfortable associating with other friendly toy breeds. I will bookmark your site and take the feeds additionally?I’m satisfied to seek out numerous useful information right here within the post, we want work out more strategies in this regard, thanks for sharing. Try to keep your interactions calm with both dogs to help both dogs do the same. If your dog becomes anxious when you pick up your keys or put on a coat, you should practice these things when you are not really leaving. It's been 3 weeks and he is still aggressive towards him. Does not like other dogs or people outside of family. It could be because he is jealous of a puppy receiving affection, resources, ect.. And based on your description, it does sound a little bit like anxiety and he just doesn't quite know how to communicate! Your email address will not be published. as a puppy, start as soon as he has all of his shots. Be sure to treat them both at the same time and make it a high-value treat that they will both want to earn again with good behavior. Place: How do i make her stop jumping on him?? If you don’t have enough time to keep your chihuahua entertained, or you don’t like leaving him alone while you’re at work, one option is to get another chihuahua. No aggression, no pushiness, no stealing toys, no stealing food, no being possessive of people or things, or any other unwanted behavior - if one dog is causing a problem you be the one to enforce the rules so that the dogs are NOT working it out themselves. Take a look here for tips on introducing the two: Use the Surprise method from the article linked below to gradually help him learn to be calm in the crate and to relax by using rewards for being Quiet. He needs to feel like you are the one managing puppy, protecting your older dog from him pestering him, and making his appearance pleasant for your older dog. "Both dogs have to get off furniture when told 'Off'." If you have And this will be either continuing your walk, or being allowed to interact with the other dog. Providing a treat or toy and encouraging individual play time can be helpful. i have a male chi (5 years) and was wanting another pet. Remember to go slowly. Again, don't wait to get in person help from someone qualified with this type of behavior (ask questions not all trainers are experienced with aggression), if things are getting worse, you feel overwhelmed, or there is a bite. Use the Surprise method from the article linked below to gradually help her learn to be calm in the crate and pen. I have a 9 year old beagle and just got a 2 month old Chihuahua a week ago. All she wants to do is play with him and he doesn’t want any of it. If the other dog knows this command, have him lie down as well. As the two dogs are meeting and greeting, ignore them unless you see either becoming aggressive. Instead, sit on your front porch or in your garage with your dog on leash, and practice treating every time another dog comes into your dog’s line of sight. Dogs bark and lunge at other dogs to warn, “Go away! Remember to crate train your new puppy so that the house stays relatively peaceful for Bentley, and he can adjust gradually. First, I highly suggest crate training the puppy. Any tips to get them to get along better before they pit gets any bigger. Leave your coat in the car and put your keys in the ignition well before leaving. He barks at any sound he hears the mailman, people coming in to visit, Hello Shellie, Reasons Why Chihuahuas Are the Best They are tiny and handy. It’s only been 4 days now, but I’m scared that if it continues I’ll have to give him away. As soon as your Chihuahua meets another dog, have him sit. Best of luck training, As both dogs get closer, offer both a treat. Almost all puppies will cry the first two weeks of crate training - it is new to them and they have to be given the opportunity to learn to self-sooth and self-entertain to prepare them for environments they will have to be in late. When the other dog is out of your dog’s view, all treats stop. Best of luck training, Obedience training helps to instill confidence and independence in your dog. Hi there. Crate pup at night and when you leave or use the exercise pen with some toys in it When you cannot directly supervise the dogs together, puppy should be crated or in the pen. Feed the dogs in separate locked crates to avoid food fights and stress around food that could lead to resource guarding later. You should also be careful around other dogs. If you feel like you need more help, I suggest finding a trainer who uses both positive reinforcement and fair corrections who will do the training above, including the rewards for tolerating the puppy and helping you implement more rules and structure for Silky. If your older dog growls at pup, make her leave the room while also carefully disciplining pup if pup antagonized her first. Making your Chihuahua social around other dogs as well as people will make him a kinder, friendlier dog. to a pet store, or even to the veterinarian's office, your Chihuahua is going The crate can help prevent future separation anxiety issues, dangerous destructive chewing habits, and other issues. Best of luck training, When you cannot directly supervise the dogs together, puppy should be crated or in the pen. However, some dogs rebel against any form of restraint, including restricting barriers and, for them, crate training may never be a positive experience. Even if she doesn’t get hurt, a bad experience with other dogs can traumatize her and cause fearfulness that will be hard to overcome. Practice this with one dog until your dog can calmly walk with that dog, then practice this with new, well-behaved dogs until pup can do group walks with other dogs in a structured heel. If he disobeys, stand in front of your other dog, blocking the pup from getting to her, and walk toward pup calmly but firmly until pup leaves the area and stops trying to go back to your other dog. If he does not sit because he’s on edge with another dog nearby, show him the treat and command him to sit again. ?Thanks for reading my problems and I hope you can help me. If you can’t be outside with him, keep him indoors. I just got a 13 week old chihuahua. A true case of hydrocephalus can be diagnosed by a veterinarian, though the prognosis is grim. Decide what your house rules are for both dogs and you be the one to enforce the rules instead of the dogs. But that does not seem to apply to our furry companions. If you don't feel you can do this with your older dog, definitely at least do it with puppy. Owners should give the dog an acceptable item to chew, such as a long lasting food treat when they go out. class is a class for aggressive or reactive dogs who all wear basket muzzles and are intensively socialized together while practicing things like heel. Barking videos for desensitization examples: at the dog park or a pet store. Set up a meeting or a playdate with other dogs your dog will be around, but set this up in neutral territory. If your dog growls or lunges forward toward another dog, distract him with a high-value treat. I’m so worried that we won’t be able to have them get along. If you return WHEN your dog is anxious, this reinforces your dog’s tendency to display the behavior, because it has the desired effect of reuniting the “pack” members. The cats even play with him! If your older dog pushes pup or gets between you and pup uninvited, tell your older dog Out and enforce her leaving. We have a 3 yr 2 month black female lab who has a lovely nature & well socialized with both other dogs & humans & never shows any signs of aggression. When we meet dogs on our walk she is happy to say hello but appears timid / submissive. No pup can bother another one when they want to sleep. The reality is that yes, the dogs – if they’re compatible – will play with each other and keep each other company. You make the rules and you enforce the rules, not your dog. With care and attention, your new Chihuahua puppy will be a cherished member of your family. owners must be very sensitive to the fact that short-haired chihuahuas, and even long-haired ones, are vulnerable to the cold. Decide what your house rules are for both dogs and you be the one to enforce the rules instead of the dogs. If you plan to Crate pup at night and when you leave, and you can use an exercise pen with some toys in it also. They may have to be taken to their bed several times before they get the message that you really want them to sleep in their own bed. As already mentioned this rarely causes any problems, much to the surprise of many Chihuahua experts. Thanks in advance, Hello Carlos, The bones of these dogs can break easily. Don't pet or feel sorry for the older dog when whey are displaying aggression - give clear boundaries instead, and reward calmness, tolerance, and friendliness toward the puppy only - with affection, praise and treats. It can be expensive, but prices vary. Personalities often determine who is in charge rather than just size. Do not use a crate if it causes more anxiety and distress for your dog. Take the case of Mickey and Percy. Before you head out for social time with your Chihuahua, be sure he has been fed and is well rested and ready for some playtime. Both are Male. Best of luck training, Play with your Chihuahua. Best of luck training, Caitlin Crittenden. He has always been aggressive towards strangers in our home, but not outside of the home. Many dogs will physically injure themselves while attempting to escape such confinement. I have since rescued a new puppy that is a lab mix. Best of luck training, I've tried to sit in front of my house and wait for other dogs and people to walk by and I give her a treat and say "Quiet" I don't know what I'm doing wrong. For extreme fearfulness I recommend working with a professional trainer or behaviorist in person. Independence training is one of the more important aspects of the program. Best of luck training, reading, watching television, or cooking). This is not acknowledging his poor behavior but rather distracting him from his anxieties or fears of the other dog. I have a chi/jack Russell cross male, 18 months old. We have 5 years old chi and bought 3 months alaskan malamute, we’ve been trying to get them along, unfurtunately, chi won’t accept our mal, he keeps on fighting mal and mal doesn’t fight back just want to play. Have just got another chihuahua female white dog into the family who is 4 months old. Out command: If you want to try this, be sure you can read dogs accurately, and be sure the other dog is quiet, gentle, and well behaved. As they are getting used to one another, offer them both a treat. It is best to allow your dog 15 to 20 minutes to calm down before you depart. Caitlin Crittenden, My challenge is she does not get to socialize with other dogs she gets along with some but not a lot what can I do, Hello, When performed correctly, this program can be very helpful in resolving separation anxiety. Practice socializing your dog with several dogs but only one at a time. Don’t expect them to be best friends. An open crate while you are home can also serve as an additional Place to practice, and feeding both dogs in separate locked crates can prevent food resource guarding and remove stress around mealtimes! Out is great for giving direction and giving a consequence of leaving the room when there is pushiness or mild resource guarding. Caitlin Crittenden. Your dog should be warmly praised for compliance. It is a good thing that Bentley is not aggressive toward other dogs, but if he is nervous of other dogs, bringing in a puppy may prove to be a challenge at first. Alternatively, your leaving can be made a highlight of your dog’s day by making it a “happy time” and the time at which they are fed. Generally Chihuahuas will not put up with the presence of other animals in the home. He is doing awesome around my 13 year old cat. Usually a new Chihuahua can be introduced into the home without causing any problems whatever the age of any other Chihuahuas already residing there. delicious food. Read this post and learn about the other types of Chihuahuas. You should attempt to randomize the cues indicating that you are preparing to leave. If you utilize it when people are around, your dog won’t necessarily associate the crate with departure and being left alone. If you take your dog out to dog parks or I am getting him to a vet come Monday when they are open. Do not do this if your dog is not wearing a harness and is wearing a leash instead. We just adopted a 3 yr old male chihuahua/minature pinscher mix today. This doesn’t mean that Chihuahuas cannot live peacefully with other pets. Its a great resource to check out even if you have raised puppies before - it was written by the man who pioneered starting puppy classes at a younger age and co founded the association of professional dog trainers. As long as your dog is properly harnessed, if he shows any aggression at all, you can gently pull back on the harness pulling him away from the other dog. I can tell you that she does think she owns me though, cause when she is laying on me, which is ALL the time and the other dogs come over to see me, she snaps at them, telling them to go away. First, I highly suggest crate training the puppy. If you decide to prevent your dog from sleeping in your bed, there are some steps to take to establish this routine. Decide what your house rules are for both dogs and you be the one to enforce the rules instead of the dogs. Any advice? Since pup is small, I recommend doing this in your own yard or locations where other dogs aren't likely to have gone, until pup is fully vaccinated. Chihuahuas need short walks and less active playtime. I'm not sure which 2 tackle 1st. They have been together 3 or so weeks and in just the last two days our male older dog is growling at little one and won’t let her have a treat or play with him. When pup first enters the room, give your older dog a treat without pup seeing so pup is associated with good things for your older dog - treats stop when pup leaves. Avoid the puppies who are timid and scared and the puppies who bite and jump a lot - look for the puppies who are friendly and happy but not as rough - they will likely be the easiest puppies to raise with a second puppy around. However, other than the breed-stereotype of Chihuahuas being mean, tiny dogs, Chihuahuas actually vary greatly in personality. A controlled introduction between any dogs is always key. Caitlin Crittenden. My ma bought me another chihuahua and I play with him some and my other dog keeps jumping on him. Whenever she is calm, relaxed or tolerant of puppy also give her a treat. Every time a dog with separation anxiety becomes anxious when their owner leaves, the distress they feel is reinforced until they become absolutely frantic any time they are left alone. 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