Your dog needs to pee, but it’s raining. “It’s raining cats and dogs”goes the old saying, but when it comes to rain and getting wet, dogs seem to react in different ways. I was told she was found during a storm, but i didn't realize that would be a problem in the future. It's hard to housebreak some dogs in the winter....they "ain't dumb"...and it's cold out there. Maybe it's tugging on a toy or playing catch. Do your pets like rainy days ? “Dogs probably don’t like going out in the rain for the same reason we don’t—it is just unpleasant,” says Dr. Bonnie Beaver, Professor at Texas A&M University. then when i finally coax him outside he'll go under the gutters where its dry and not go potty. “We have the advantage of being able to use umbrellas and raincoats, especially to keep rain from hitting our face. We had a staring contest one morning for about 15 minutes...and dang it.. She is such a sweet little "wuss" that it just cracks me up. Why won’t they just go outside and do what they need to do? It doesn’t have to stay that way, however.… Read More »10 Tips if Your Dog Hates Rain If your dog hates to potty in the rain, rest assured you’re not alone. Use Potty Pads. If you don't keep working on it...she will learn to potty IN the house...and that's going to be worse to deal with then forcing her outside to do the "deed". Commentary: My dog loves water but hates the rain. And...that was ONLY when she had no other choice because her bladder must have been ready to explode. I can’t walk him off lead when it’s wet as he will immediately bolt back home once the lead is off. She doesn't freak out or anything but she does seem lethargic and weird when it starts to rain. (YAY) Problem is when it rains. I have to literally push her out the door. She was a stubborn little *hit about it for a long time. It’s been a pretty harsh winter in New York. She has no problem relieving herself in it, which I know some breeds have a problem with. What am I to do. At the dog park, where she's normally super social and barking at every dog to run/wrestle with her, she instead stood under the tree and was clawing at the gate. This “hate” may stem from lack of a proper introduction to rain and getting baths, which should start when puppies are young, ideally during the critical window of socialization. This is the forum if you need tips to help train your dog? After i do that she will either not go or go but only under a table or right next 2 the door where it's dry. Published: 17:09 EST, 29 September 2017 | Updated: 07:28 EST, 30 … when i ask him to go outside he'll jump on the couch, look out the window, head for the door, but go under our futon chair and hide. Also, when you have her out in the rain, continually tell her how much fun it is to be in the rain, and what a good dog she is for walking in the rain. As with any dog training, start small. Many dogs dislike rain and its associated sensation of getting wet. Still have questions? Makes taking her out so difficult and annoying -__-help. every time it rains you go out with her ... and you walk her, not just put her out in the yard by herself ... you said she is comfortable when you walk her ... and then you walk her until ... even if that is hours the first times ... it is the only thing you can do ... dogs with issues need more patience and effort so get used to walking in the rain ... my dogs brother (lives with a different family) had the same issue ... would not step out in the rain and where i live that is a good portion of the climate ... they set their minds to it and the first day they walked him SIX HOURS before he would go to the bathroom ... but they had to do it and kept doing it until he felt more comfortable ... and it did work ... the dog does not love rain now but will go and do his business in the rain ... What do you think of the answers? By next winter this will probably be a non-issue. By Reporter. It took me a year to get her to go outside when it was pouring. Watch Queue Queue. There I was lucky. So I got my boxer at 6 months old from a shelter. Close. She either pees in the house or holds it all day n gets a swollen tummy. My dog (miniature dachshund) absolutely hates the rain. While this is good news for our water reserves and gardens, it’s not the best news for all those dogs out there that aren’t fans of wet weather. Next time its raining and she needs to go toilet, walk outside with some of her absolute favourite treats and encourage her outside, as she progresses and gets more confident try to encourage her outside while its raining, keep feeding her until she is comfortable, Dogs associate food as being something awesome, so you can retrain them by associating food with a bad experience to make the bad experience (the raining and storm) into a good one, I'm wondering if your dog has a favorite treat, or toy you could use to lead her. Something about being out with him with the leash on gives him confidence. She hates being c-c-c-cold. If I stand out there with him with no leash, he won't go. Should You Punish a Dog For Pooping in the House? is there something wrong? she goes and lays and sleeps for hours til the rain stops. 15 Fascinating Facts About the Brittany Dog Breed. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for websites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to You just have to be more stubborn then she is.... once you set up the daily pattern that SHE WILL GO OUT...rain or shine...she'll get it figured out. She is 9 months. Holding urine for THAT LONG is just not good, so...I'd say you're going to have to play hardball. I’m trying to teach me Basset Hound puppy to bike but he keeps falling off the bike. my dog to go out without any security blankets. Paprike hates the rain, even with a raincoat on. Tips to teach your dog to go out in the rain. If you have a dog who hates the rain, dog umbrellas now exist! My Dog Hates the Rain and Snow! Obviously she doesn't feel comfortable about the rain. Repetition .. repetition.. repetition... patience... patience ....patience... consistency consistency... consistency. Publish Date Monday, 7 October 2019, 3:36PM Let's be honest, no one likes walking around in the rain with drenched shoes and socks, feeling like your cold toes are about to fall off. What are Accidental Behavior Chains in Dog Training. what's even worse she won't go outside if her life depended on it if it's still wet out or during the rain. “It’s raining cats and dogs”goes the old saying, but when it comes to rain and getting wet, dogs seem to react in different ways. Maybe make a little undercover area in the yard for the time being. Boxers are my breed of choice...and they can be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaal funny about being too hot... too cold...and WET.. *rolling my eyes*. I was relieved when i brought her home and realized she had been housebroken. My border/aussie bandit hates the rain so much and hes smart about it too! At least it's outside and she's managed to get out of the rain. When you praise your dog for their behaviour, they're far more likely to do it again. Keep potty sessions extremely short. Gerdie's worst nightmare is to be left outside in the rain. If your dog is terrified of thunderstorms, I highly recommend either placing potty pads inside your home for small dogs or walking your leashed larger dog out to a covered potty area. Louie, the old English bulldog/puggle is not impressed with his owner after a fart. If it starts to thunder and lightning strikes, bring your dog inside and dry her off. Other then that. Othr than that she has no problem going out. Your boxer goes under a table.. mine would tip-toe right down the edge of the house and roof line and tinkle smashed up against the house. Relieving herself UNDER an outside table is at least a start. The lake behind her house and dogs. I was told she was found during a storm, but i didn't realize that would be a problem in the future. A common complaint I hear from dog owners this time of year is that their dogs refuse to walk in the rain or snow. We also don’t want to be out in the rain without any coverings. I really kept thinking she was going to eventually starting relieving herself in the house...but she never did. If your pup has a spot where they like to do their business try taking them right to that spot, don’t let them spend too much time sniffing or trying to make a break for the house. If i take her for a walk when its drizzling or a little wet after it rains shes fine but as long as she knows I'm right there with her....but again she will not pee nor poop. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Another thing that can help keeps walks very brief in a downpour is if your pup … Just a few minutes in the garden is enough, and remember to give them lots of praise. As the storm progresses, the signs can worsen: dogs may whine or salivate, have accidents indoors and resort to destroying objects in the household. (YAY) Problem is when it rains. What To Do When Your Dog Hates The Rain The Dog People By The 50 Funniest Grumpy Cat Memes Complex Dogs Are Doggos An Internet Language Built Around Love For 45 Funny Dog Memes Dogtime Very Thoon Dog Meme S Dramatic Stare Gif Why Dogs Don T Like To Be Hugged Mnn Mother Nature Network Sorry Cat Haters Science Isn T On Your Side Popular Science I Got My Dog A Rain Jacket Because He Hates … Getting treats out in the rain will soon change her attitude toward rain. I gave in and let her back (owner fail) We were BOTH SOAKED. Get answers by asking now. I started with the umbrella/treat/toy method and eventually was able train. I accepted the fact that my dog was going to pee with her fanny pressed up against the house. And we’ve had it easy compared to the Midwest! And snow, but he hates rain more. I've had her for 9 months now...and you'll be pleased to know that she braves the rain to go out and potty now. Dogs don’t have that ability.” Posted by u/[deleted] 4 years ago. Also...if you have a fenced backyard....MOVE the table away from the house and then lead her over there often... rain or shine. Archived. Is it …. Personally (during the winter months) I'd take that as a quasi-win. my dog hates rain he doesmt wanna walk when is rain how about you dog She doesn't freak out or anything but she does seem lethargic and weird when it starts to rain. If your dog is behaving well, and responding to commands correctly, this is a great time to give it a treat. Remember, you may love walking in the rain, but your dog hates it. Take her to the same place in the yard and wait her out. If she pee's under the table so be it. This video is unavailable. MICHAEL LEPPERT: My dog loves water but hates the rain Nov 27, 2020 Nov 27, 2020; Michael Leppert. Good luck! Dogs are no different. You, and your dog, may get wet from walking or playing in the rain, but it will be worth it if your dog is sidetracked from its fear. Whether it’s a steady rainfall or a downpour as seen in summer storms, some dog owners seem to notice some changes in their dogs’ behaviors when it’s pouring. 13. she refuses to go in. Really trying to have patience with my dog. I have had dogs that would only go in the rain if we use an umbrella. Or share with other members what dog training techniques work for you I continued to take her out hourly until she'd relieve herself. Dogs who hate rain are no different than humans. How is owning pets any different then slavery ? Rotffffffffffffffffff............ ok.. forgive me for laughing...but.. that is so "boxer"....lolol They hate being wet and cold. We’re experiencing some quite wet weather at the moment and there’s more to come over the next few days. The reason he hates his rain jacket is because it's too tight to allow free movement, and I think it might also make some weird sounds, which my dog is not used to. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Makes taking her out so difficult and annoying -__-help. I got her at about a year (actual age unknown, but...she was right around a year old). But she clearly looks miserable walking in it. But...the GOOD news was...she was not going POTTY in the house either...she could hold it longer then any dog I've ever owned. If you do this drill enough times she WILL learn to dart out to the table to tinkle under it on her own. You may have to pick your battle on this one. No way - no how would she go to the bathroom! Keep walks in the pouring rain to a minimum. Making a new association for her, may help, rain means treat, rain means toy, rain means praise. My dog hates rain.But lately she sits in the rain even tho her dog house is next to her. Dog hates rain/wet paws. Some dogs can be perfectly well-behaved and well-trained, but any inclement weather changes things dramatically. Have patience. If your dog hates rain, there are a few things you can do to help them get used to it. They may pant or pace around the house, hide or cling to their owners. We even had another dog that would blast right out and she refused to follow her. And on lead walks in the rain = him putting the brakes on. Our dog hates the rain too. What could i do 2 help her? He also hates to go out in the rain unless I'm out with him on a leash. Here's some examples of how much he hates and tries to avoid rain: 1) His potty area used to be just off a concrete patio flush with the ground that had a deck overhead, stopping much of the rainfall. If you don't want that then put a doggy coat on her...leash up...and head outside away from the house. Trying to keep your pup out of the pouring rain might take some strategy on your part. So I got my boxer at 6 months old from a shelter. She'll eventually learn that's a whole lot BETTER then holding it until the rain quits. Bruce Causier Recommended for you My last boxer rescue was the exact same way. I got her in Feb and she was thinking pottying outside was BAD. Watch Queue Queue Are Pitbulls dangerous dogs or is this a myth? For dogs who hate rain 1. Whatever it is, try doing it during a storm. Dog hates rain/wet paws. Is it weird to rename a puppy you adopted? Boxers are notorious for getting wayyyyy cold...wayyyyyyyyyy easy. Once she decides that rain and wetness are okay, she should be comfortable enough to go pee and poop in the rain. When he wears a coat it seems to help him a fraction. My Dog Hates the Rain. Basenji dog hates walking through rain-water pools on the spring street - Acheter cette photo libre de droit et découvrir des images similaires sur Adobe Stock Whether it’s a steady rainfall or a downpour as seen in summer storms, some dog owners seem to notice some changes in their dogs’ behaviors when it’s pouring. There are two things that were a part of my wife’s childhood that will always be … She's young...and just being a typical boxer. In the end, I figured out that if my pupper (using the word loosely, my "pupper" is 4 yrs old) wants to go out, he will brave through anything but plummeting rain. We've not had one house accident... You described my boxer's "wimpiness" to a T. She would just lock on the brakes when she realized it was raining. But he still hates … On reading your story, my first move would be to take her for more walks in the rain, and give her treats every now and then along the way. The dog who hates rain I know I've written about this before: my dog hates the rain. I would push her off the stairs and she would just hump up and stare at me. And just like some of their humans, dogs can also hate going out in the rain. Dogs with storm phobias can often sense when bad weather is approaching — hours before you even hear the patter of rain on the roof. There are two things that were a part of my wife’s childhood that will always be a part of her soul. She needs to associate rain with a good thing, the issue isnt her sleeping, its that she wont toilet outside. She WILL get the drift eventually. Put on a raincoat, and leash up. What you need to do is convince her that rain and wet grass are all right. And I've now learned that she HATES the rain. For context, my dog is a rescue with anxiety issues, so he's nervous about a lot of things, not just puddles. Giving a dog a bite to eat is a very clear signal to the dog that this situation is good. I was relieved when i brought her home and realized she had been housebroken. Inna the explorer, chihuahua adopted in Mexico hates the rain and prefer not to pee or poop than to go out when it's raining ! Coyote stalks and starts going in for attack on elderly lady and dog - Duration: 7:32. November 20, 2020 | Filed under: Commentary | Posted by: jlkrull59. Olivia Munn is forced to abandon her walk... because her dog hates the rain. By Michael Leppert . My dog hates the rain and wont go outside? I also installed a doggy door to my back yard, and once she got used to that she used it reliably. Queue Queue Maybe it 's tugging on a leash where its dry not... Seems to help him a fraction exact same way smart about it too winter will... They may pant or pace around the house dog ( miniature dachshund absolutely. Her dog house is next to her on the answer and dang..... At 6 months old from a shelter minutes... and it 's outside and do what they need to?! 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