Here we can see that 3,724 of those 3,918 were fans. STEP 2: Divide the reach by your total number of followers and multiply by 100 to get your post reach percentage. First, use the Post Data spreadsheet you can download directly from Facebook (again, here’s how) to add the reach for every update you post to your Page over the last month. Reach Organic Reach . So, if you make a post and 100 people look at it, your reach is 100 people. And what if yours is really low? Josh wrote a great post about this Facebook targeting strategy HERE . Fan Reach is the total number of fans who see your posts. The quickest and easiest way to measure your Organic Reach is by looking at your posts on your Facebook Page. We discovered that, globally, the average page engagement rate on Facebook is 28.3%, while the average engagement rate per post is 3.22% and the average engagement on reach is 0.09% . Total Reach on Facebook. Free Social Media Strategy Course Get the tie-it-all-together social media plan your marketing strategy has been missing. Multiply the whole thing by 100 to turn it into a percentage. The problem, however, is that most marketers do not fully understand what stats are available, what they mean, and where they can be found. Add them up (hint: use the sum function instead of doing it manually) to get your total engagement for the month, then divide that number by your total number of people reached to get your engagement rate. Meaning for every 100 people who liked a Page, only four of them actually saw a post in their News Feed. Facebook reach is always measured within a specified period. This update to a classic post talks about what is a “good” reach on Facebook and how to think about reach in the brave new world of the latest algorithm updates. How to Estimate Reach with Bionic Media Planning Software. This recent update imposed stricter reporting, only counting reach once a post enters a user’s screen (the same approach Facebook uses to calculate ads performance). Sometimes it seems like you’re the only person who doesn’t have the whole thing figured out – like there must be one simple, glaring thing you’re doing wrong and just need to fix, like plugging the hole in a sinking rowboat. Your post counts as having reached someone when it is loaded and shown in News Feed. Among many features within the tool’s panel, you get the chance to measure the social media reach of social media posts, hashtags and accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. One of the ways to calculate social media reach is to use a social media monitoring tool, for example Brand24. The thing is, finding where different networks list their recommended image sizes is super... Editor's Note November 2020:  Instagram has made several changes to IGTV since we originally published this blog post in September 2018. Marketing Reach 101. You can also see the Organic Reach of a post just above your cover photo in the admin area of your page: Viewing Reach this way gives you a quick look at the results -- but doesn't show you the number or Likes, Comments or Shares. Then you can adjust your posting tactics to see if you can reach a higher number of both fans & non-fans. Reachrepresents the number of people who have seen any post published by a Facebook Page (regardless of the place where the content was seen, e.g. To speed things up, I used a page with about 200 Likes (for my local church). Let’s say your total organic reach for the month is 50,000 users. No wonder Facebook is keeping that reach figure under wraps. Instagram TV, which we all know as IGTV, allows... Get The Dash, your bi-weekly social media to-do list, delivered straight to your inbox. Facebook statistics Insights is an endless database of information that you can use to the benefit of your business. The numbers in orange are the average numbers for pages with less than 1000 fans that have also connected to the AgoraPulse Barometer. Today, we’ll use these findings from 2019. One of the ways to determine how a campaign is performing is to figure out the marketing reach. This video course includes 6 short modules and 6 downloadable worksheets to step up your game and start treating social media like the valuable marketing channel it is. The Barometer will also give you a measure of different Page Insights like: While the tool isn't comprehensive, it's a great way to take a quick peek at your page's performance. Try going back to your Insights page and exporting data for a broader range, like several months, and you may notice things that weren’t apparent in a smaller data set. Here's why: Reminder: all 3 of the above methods show stats for Organic Reach -- which includes both fans & non-fans. So - you want to make sure the images you share on social media are all the right sizes, so they don't show up looking all wonky with busted cropping and whatnot. on mobile, tablet, computer, or any other device). Facebook Reach is one of the metrics you hear about a lot when it comes to Facebook reporting. As of today, Facebook calculates reach based on how many times a post enters a person’s screen. This estimation is a unique calculation by Facebook (more on our methodology below) and isn't intended to align with third party calculations or population census data. Zuck and co adjusted the algorithm so users would see “more from friends, family, and groups” and less from “businesses, brands, and media.” Yikes. Sure, some people dispute the importance of Reach, claiming that other metrics are more important.. Maybe -- but I still think it's critical to know how many people are seeing your posts. You can’t just look at your own stats – you need to have something to compare them to. We first wrote this post in early 2015 when the average Facebook reach was about 4.11% of total Page likes. Facebook does not provide these stats on your page -- so they're a little harder to get. Feel free to experiment with different scenarios in order to help you better understand this metric.. Organic reach on Facebook and other platforms used to be far higher than it is today. This is supposed to make the organic reach of Pages more consistent with the way Facebook measures reach for ads. Properly understanding reach tends to be a source of … To calculate the reach of a Instagram hashtag all the followers of each account that has participated sharing content with the hashtag are added together. Just click on the big orange button: Once you've allowed the app permissions & connected, you'll see all the pages you admin. Note: On Facebook, the “When Your Fans Are Online” feature will tell you the optimal time to post. We have provided a useful Facebook Engagement Rate Calculator below. Because your Page’s number of likes is probably different at the end of the month than it is at the beginning (let’s say yours grew by more than 2,000), again, make sure you average your Page’s likes over January’s 31 days. There are hundreds and hundreds of … (For example after about 30 minutes the Post Planner page was still synchronizing). A publisher, user or brand could post an organic post and reach a large amount of users without having to boost it with marketing spend. Saved Posts . STEP 1: Measure the reach of any given post. Just make sure you're looking at the "Key Metrics" sheet -- and then find the column "Lifetime post reach by people who like your page": Using the example post from above, we know that the post had an Organic Reach of 3,918 people (including fans & non-fans). Here’s the Correct Formula to Calculate Your Average Facebook Post Engagement Rate Published on July 11, 2014 July 11, 2014 • 156 Likes • 76 Comments Facebook reach is always measured within a specified period. (Hint: If you need a refresher on how to access Facebook data beyond what you get on your Insights tab, this shows you what to do.). Engagement Rate on Facebook for a post is calculated as the number of Engaged Users divided by the total reach of that post. ... For example, if you are bidding $5 for each conversion, you need to make make sure that your budget will allow you to reach the number of conversions you want. (Remember to look at organic reach, not total!) Based on this stat, I can assess that we reached about 11% of our existing fan base with this post. The Social Media Calculator estimates the monetary value of your post. Calculate Media Value. Post reach is the number of people who saw a specific post in their news feed.Page reach is the number of people who saw any of your post content during a given period of time (daily, weekly or monthly).. As of today in 2020, whether or not a post appears in someone’s newsfeed depends on three ranking signals. In short, your Facebook reach is simply the number of unique users who see your post or page, regardless of whether they engaged with it. You accomplish this primarily by posting better content -- ie. The Logic behind the Formula: You may come across formulas where a Facebook post engagement rate is ascertained on the basis of the number of fans available on the Page, instead of the reach … That’s when it’s time to get a little perspective on your Facebook reach – and here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do it. Still, for heavy Facebook app users, the tool should give a good sense of how much time you've sacrificed to the social network. 1. When we report on Facebook Reach, there are two main classifications to remember – Facebook Page Reach and Facebook Post Reach. It means people seeing what you post and actually taking action, instead of scrolling on past without a second thought. If your nonprofit does not pay for advertising on Facebook, your nonprofit can keep it simple and use the rounded-to-the-nearest-hundred numbers. Ranking signals are based on a user’s past behavior and the main ones today are: Facebook also introduced the option for users to understand they’re seeing a particular post in their newsfeed. Facebook Reach is one of the metrics you hear about a lot when it comes to Facebook reporting. Platform. Facebook Page Reach tends to be the least troublesome of the two, so let’s start here first. How Do I Claim My Facebook Page Username & Vanity URL? Let’s start by explaining what reach is, what views are, and the difference between the two. Facebook Insights is one of the most powerful Facebook marketing analytics tools available.. Facebook uses this to create an optimized bid based on your objective. We discovered that, globally, the average page engagement rate on Facebook is 28.3%, while the average engagement rate per post is 3.22% and the average engagement on reach is 0.09%. Sure, some people dispute the importance of Reach, claiming that other metrics are more important. So recently, we looked into 2,810 Facebook Business Pages to find out what engagement on Facebook truly looks like amongst dozens of industries of different fan sizes. Facebook Engagement Rate = (Engaged Users x 100) ÷ Total Reach Where Do I Get These Numbers? (Non-fans see posts when a friend Likes, Comments or Shares your post). Average reach for a native Facebook video: 16.7% of the total audience; Total number of video views (Q1 2017): 700 million; Facebook Video Views Statistics. If the title made sense to you, congratulations, you must already be quite familiar with Facebook paid media analysis. To calculate your nonprofit’s monthly organic reach, add up the organic reach for each post shared during the month. We calculate it from frequency_distribution_map. And it’s easy to measure your own. The higher your budget, the higher your Potential Reach. Objective of your reach and frequency campaign. According to the study, the average engagement rate was 3.6% of a Page’s reach – so again, you can compare your own engagement rate to the average. Likes . Who wouldn't? So now you know how your reach compares to the average – but reach isn’t the only thing that matters, either. So it's not a complete comparison to other pages across Facebook in the same niche, area or page size. Well, that’s the other nice thing about spreadsheets like this – they make it easy to identify what’s working and what isn’t. The post above had an "Organic" reach of 3,918 people. Here are some ready-made resources to help you do just that: © 2011-2021 Post Planner, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Try the following tips to optimise your estimates: Increase your audience. ). Post reach and page reach, for example, are different and have different weight. And you can’t help but wonder: It’s frustrating when it feels like nobody is seeing your posts. How can you get a better engagement rate? content that motivates people to engage with your page's posts. Reach only counts the number of unique users– each person, no matter how often he or she saw a piece of co… Just click "add" on your page to proceed: AgoraPulse will then begin the process of evaluating your page -- which can take some time depending on the number of Likes your page has. It’s important to note that these rules don’t apply to the right column placement and to small audiences (fewer than 5,000). Post reach is the number of people who saw a specific post in their news feed.Page reach is the number of people who saw any of your post content during a given period of time (daily, weekly or monthly).. As reported by a Facebook representative, your page’s fans can see your ad up to 4 times a day, and non-fans could be exposed to an ad up to 2 times a day. Learn how to increase your organic Facebook reach. Serious? So Facebook Reach is simple & actionable -- the best kind of metric! If the estimate is low, you can widen your audience's age, location or interest … Narrow audiences can be expensive to reach. It also gives users the option to tell the algorithm directly what’s important to them and if they’d prefer to see more or fewer posts from a particular page or person. To view the post level Reach, click Posts from that Statistics tab and then select Reach from the second drop-down. The Facebook Advertising Opportunity Calculator is designed to show you your current reach on Facebook and how much more you could achieve with a small Facebook ad budget. Add up the numbers in your “Lifetime Total Likes” column (in the Page Data spreadsheet) and divide by 31 to get your average. Total Reach on Facebook. How to calculate Engagement in a Facebook … Facebook recommends ad sets that will reach 1-3 million users. There are other possibilities, such as random users visiting your page, but these are insignificant compared to newsfeed views by fans. targeting different languages, timezones, countries, etc. So recently, we looked into 2,810 Facebook Business Pages to find out what engagement on Facebook truly looks like amongst dozens of industries of different fan sizes. Reach is the number of people who see your post. When we report on Facebook Reach, there are two main classifications to remember – Facebook Page Reach and Facebook Post Reach. The reach metrics will be displayed using percentages of fans, making it easy to compare the performance of one post against another. Use this data to increase your reach. Once you've looked at the Organic Reach & Fan Reach numbers for your posts, you should have a much clearer idea about which posts are working & which are not working. Get Actionable Social Media Advice (And Not Too Much of It!) Engagement Rate For Facebook Engagement Rate on Facebook for a post is calculated as the number of Engaged Users divided by the total reach … Here’s how you can see how your Page stacked up. So, if you make a post and 100 people look at it, your reach is 100 people. Your organic reach metrics can help you identify ways to improve your content’s organic visibility. Potential reach is an estimation of how many people are in an ad set's target audience. In short, your Facebook reach is simply the number of unique users who see your post or page, regardless of whether they engaged with it. Divide the average number of users reached per post by the average number of total Page likes, and you’ll have your average reach. You peek at the organic reach for every Facebook update you post, and the numbers aren’t what you’d hoped. That means you can’t simply get a metric for your overall reach. Thankfully, you no longer have to be a math wizard to estimate reach when media planning. Then in January 2018, Mark Zuckerberg made another huge change to the algorithm. Reach includes both paid reach (from ads) and non-paid reach (organic and viral reach). By following these 20 secrets you'll reach more people and grow your Facebook page. These two reach metrics can be deceiving or confusing. Among many features within the tool’s panel, you get the chance to measure the social media reach of social media posts, hashtags and accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If not, don’t worry, you will soon find out what Earned Organic Reach is on Facebook and how you can actually calculate its money value.. Also Read: Facebook Explains Why Organic Reach Is Declining We all know what reach is, it’s basically the number of people your … Again, this is the total number of people -- fans & non-fans -- who saw the post. Let me know your Group’s reach in the comments! Calculate your social media reach with MarketBeam and find your Company's Facebook and Linkedin Social Media Marketing potential! It doesn't included non-fans. This gives you the engagement for each individual post. So if you focus on building that community, there are a ton of opportunities for your Page – and Facebook’s prioritization of quality content has remained consistent for over four years! Facebook Page Reach tends to be the least troublesome of the two, so let’s start here first. Unlinked Groups might have higher or lower reach. Divide that by the number of updates you posted (let’s say 20 updates), and you’ll get an organic reach of 2,500 users per post. Facebook Video Reach vs. Views. We've continued to update the post to reflect the latest IGTV news and features. Comments . So download your data from your Facebook Insights tab, compare it to the average, and see exactly how you’re doing compared to the other Pages out there! Sharing, liking or commenting on your post, How to Measure the Reach of Your Facebook Posts (and then Increase It), You can sort posts however you want -- Date, Reach, Engaged Users, Talking About This or Virality, Select Data Type -- choose "Post level data", 11 Ways to Generate Fresh Content Ideas for Your Facebook Page, Here’s the Science Behind Asking Fans to LIKE Your Facebook Posts, The 3 Essential Ingredients of an Enticing Facebook Post, These 5 Posts Will Increase Your Facebook Engagement Overnight, Give your Fan Page Mouth-to-Mouth with just 3 Facebook Posts a Day, Follow these 7 Easy Tips & Increase your Facebook Edgerank TODAY, Top 25 Social Media Tools for Linkedin Marketing. Get The Dash, your bi-weekly social media to-do list, delivered straight to your inbox. Comments . For example, the report we are using as case study has a lot of influential accounts in it. You could look at a disappointing post reach and feel disheartened, but engagement has severely decreased for everyone since the great algorithm change of 2018. Facebook defines organic reach as “how many people you can reach for free on Facebook by posting to your Page.” With that description in mind, it’s easy to see why marketers would be concerned — because a decline in organic reach means a natural increase in the cost to reach their customers. What is IGTV (Instagram TV) and How Do I Use It? Maybe -- but I still think it's critical to know how many people are seeing your posts. (And it’s free for a limited time!). Pay attention to factors like: Don’t be discouraged if you don’t recognize any immediate patterns – especially if you’re looking at a relatively small period of time, like a single month. How to Create the Perfect Twitter Marketing Strategy, It's easy to understand -- you don't have to be a Facebook "expert", It's actionable -- it's affected by what & when you post, You can view the actual post in a new window simply by clicking it, You can find posts super easily (you don't have to scroll around your page's Timeline, for example). Starting on February 12, Facebook will begin to calculate reach based on how many times a post enters a person’s screen. Enter a sum formula into a blank cell to calculate a total. Reactions . You’ve seen people with higher bowling scores. They aren’t even what you expected. ), Prev: Facebook Reactions Are More Valuable Than Likes - How You Can Get More, Next: How to Write an About Page That People Will Actually Read, 10 Best Practices for Eye-Catching Social Media Images, How to Properly Size Your Images for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest. Figures are for the first 28 days after a post's publication and include people viewing your post on both desktop and mobile. After you calculate the customers you could reach, download your free guide to using Social Media Whether you’re new to social or are looking for ways to improve your existing social media marketing strategy, this FREE guide, The Smart Business Owner’s Guide to Social Media, gives you the information you’ll need to harness the potential of social media marketing: Now, you’ll be able to view how each individual post performed. Hootsuite compiled the statistics for thousands of Facebook Pages, and came up with results you can use to contextualize your own. You can click on the Reach number and get more detail -- such as Organic, Paid & Viral Reach: You can click on Engaged Users and see Other Clicks & Stories Generated: You can click on the Talking About This number and see a breakdown of the number of Comments & Likes. You can also see your posts' Organic Reach by going to your Insights & scrolling down through the page posts: This method shows you the most detail, including: In my opinion, measuring your Organic Reach via Insights is the most useful option. Remember, the two Groups I’ve run these figures on are both linked to a corresponding Facebook Page. Shares . Message phrasing (A question? Organic reach is the reach Facebook gives you for free. Using the above on-page and Excel methods to get your Reach numbers can be daunting & confusing -- especially for busy page owners like yourself. One of the ways to calculate social media reach is to use a social media monitoring tool, for example Brand24. On your spreadsheet, look at the Lifetime engaged users column. Enter a sum formula into a blank cell to calculate a total. According to their study, the average organic reach for a Facebook post is 5.5%, a drop of 2.2% from 2018. Wrap up Post reach and page reach, for example, are different and have different weight. (And it’s free for a limited time! Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t make it easy for you to find this information. That means you can’t simply get a metric for your overall reach. For example, if you want to add every number in a column between cells B3 and B50, you would enter =SUM(B3:B50) into an empty cell. Now that you have a better understanding of how to measure your Reach, it's time to learn how to increase it. Calculate Media Value. Add them up (hint: use the sum function instead of doing it manually) to get your total engagement for the month, then divide that number by your total number of people reached to get your engagement rate. 4. If there is one thing we have learned in all of our years of social media marketing it’s that Facebook is constantly changing things. Potential Reach Want to know how your Facebook Page is really doing? I've found another way to get these stats from our friends at AgoraPulse -- it's called Facebook Page Barometer. How to Calculate Social Media Reach. If your goal is 50 conversions, then your budget needs to be at least $250. Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube LinkedIn Reach Organic Reach . The Facebook Advertising Opportunity Calculator is designed to show you your current reach on Facebook and how much more you could achieve with a small Facebook ad budget. Daily reach and results estimates may vary based on several factors. This video course includes 6 short modules and 6 downloadable worksheets to step up your game and start treating social media like the valuable marketing channel it is. Your fans, in the same niche, area or Page size following tips to optimise your estimates Increase. The first 28 days after a post appears in someone ’ s organic visibility Page 's.! See posts when a friend Likes, comments or Shares your post ) average organic reach Facebook... 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