They are primarily nocturnal and solitary. They are not a taxon and are not unified by any distinct biological grouping, but rather their dependence on and integral relation to aquatic ecosystems. Dam and road construction, as well as stream canalization and drainage for agriculture destroy many acres of what could be habitat for this species. It borders the Alberto de Agostini National Park and Tierra del Fuego National Park. Sea otters eat about 25% to 30% of their weight. The southern river otter is listed as endangered, due to illegal hunting, water pollution, and habitat loss. Though it is the largest, it isn’t the heaviest. North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) Amazonian river otter (Lontra longicaudis). The Cameroon clawless otter is a subspecies of the African clawless otter in the family Mustelidae. The Northern River Otter is found both in Canada and the United States. The Southern River Otter (Lontra provocax) is a species of otter that lives in Chile and Argentina. River Otter (Lutra canadensis)Species Code: LUCA Description The River Otter is built for swimming - they have a streamlined body, short legs with webbed feet, dense fur that keeps otters warm, a tapered tail, small ears, and nostrils that can close underwater. Deforestation and over-grazing around these settlements have caused desertification. The species is legally protected both locally and internationally. While otters completely disappeared from the rivers of most of central and southern England in just 50 years, their future now looks much brighter. Southern Sea Otter. Interesting Facts River otters belong to the weasel family. A river otter in England. Southern sea otters usually submerge for about 52 to 90 seconds, but the longest dive recorded was four minutes and 25 seconds long. Metabolism. The playful North American river otter is equally at home in the water and on land. Although the female and her young will live in family groups, males are usually solitary. In 2014, a study of giant otters found that the river-dwellers … The largest otter is the giant otter. They typically use … Their sleek, streamlined bodies are perfect for diving and swimming. Several of the known populations are found within national forests. They come in many sizes. Search for an endangered species profile. It is also known as neotropical river otter, a long-tailed otter. This medium-sized otter's body can grow up to 2.5 ft (70 cm) long, with a tail adding about 16 in (40 cm). Whether it’s a lake, river, swamp or estuary, otters like a mix of land and water. [2] Though Argentina began passing legislation in 1960 to outlaw the hunting of the southern river otter, hunting still does occur because of the lack of enforcement. Hallo! games and coloring pages! The southern river otter prefers estuaries, rivers, and lakes with fresh water for its habitat. In its introduced range in Europe it has been classified as an invasive species linked to declines in European mink, Pyrenean desman, and water vole populations. More to come soon. River otters belong to the weasel family. The continual decrease in prey numbers also causes problems for the southern river otter. Environment Agency.) The southern river otter (Lontra provocax) is a type of otter.It is found in Chile and Argentina.It lives in both saltwater and freshwater environments.It is an endangered species because of poaching, water pollution, and habitat loss.. References Hunting is legal and does occur in Chile. Southern sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis), also known as California sea otters, were listed as threatened in 1977 under the Endangered Species Act. The hooded grebe, is a medium-sized grebe found in the southern region of Argentina. Its feet are equipped with claws and webs for swimming. A highly distinctive and emblematic feature is its alerce forest; the globally threatened alerce tree is the second longest living tree species in the world. The south Andean deer, also known as the southern guemal, Chilean huemul or güemul, is an endangered species of deer native to the mountains of Argentina and Chile. They include the Southern River Otter, Hairy Nosed Otter, Giant Otter, and the India Smooth Coated Otter. This saltwater exclusivity is unlike most other otter species, except for the almost fully aquatic sea otter of the north Pacific. Population estimates are unavailable. It sometimes is considered a subspecies of Lontra canadensis. Marshes may also be very important habitat for raising young and as a source of frogs. Sea otters can reach 9kph underwater, North American river otters are faster at 11kph, and the maximum speed of the giant river otter is an impressive 14kph. Not all otters use tools, but sea otters use them all the time. [4] The surveyors spoke with people who live and work near these areas, and looked for prints and droppings of the southern river otter, while also looking for signs of the American mink. Baby otters are called pups. This is due to the fact that the conditions they live under could be compromised easily and that could lead to a significant reduction in their numbers in very little time. Otters are adorable creatures that live both on land and in the water. You will notice that they have extremely long whiskers as well. One of two mid-sized deer of the Hippocamelus genus, the south Andean deer ranges across the high mountainsides and cold valleys of the Andes. The southern river otter is found in the southern parts of Chile and western Argentina. It is threatened by habitat loss. It prefers to eat crayfish and freshwater mussels. Their body shape aids in helping them make sudden turns to catch fish and other prey. River otters possess long, muscular bodies suited to their life on both land and in water. In Oregon, River otters are mostly found west of the Cascade Range but have been found in eastern Klamath County and in Deschutes, Wallowa, and Malheur counties. This semiaquatic mammal has the weight of 11 to 30.9 lb or 5 to 14 kilograms. Otters are adorable creatures that live both on land and in the water. The playful North American river otter is equally at home in the water and on land. The marine otter is a rare and relatively unknown South American mammal of the weasel family (Mustelidae). The level of dependence on aquatic life varies greatly among species. River otters are rambunctious, aquatic, streamlined mammals that spend much of their time in the water. (41 kilograms).The smallest otter is the Asian small-clawed otter, which grows up to 2.9 fee… The Southern River Otter is closely related to many other otter species, including the North American River Otter, and the marine otter. The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) became one of the major animals hunted and trapped for fur in North America after European contact. They catch prey with their teeth. Breeding After a gestation period of approximately 2 months, Southern River Otters give birth to 1 - 4 cubs. Breeding may occur in July and August, and the female gives birth to up to 4 pups after a gestation period of 60 days. Its western boundary coincides with the Chilean border. "Lontra provocax". It has velvety dark brown hair and light or grayer underparts. The neotropical otter or neotropical river otter is an otter species found in Central America, South America and the island of Trinidad. It sometimes is considered a subspecies of Lontra canadensis.The southern river otter is listed as endangered, due to illegal hunting, water pollution, and habitat loss. The viability of the small remaining population is an outstanding concern to researchers. These propel them through the water at high speeds to help them hunt. Since the extinction of the sea mink, the American mink is the only extant member of the genus Neovison. The southern river otter is generally brown dorsally, with a lighter, grayer underside. It is found in Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, and possibly Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Rwanda, or Uganda. It is an endangered species because of poaching, water pollution, and habitat loss. Its feet are equipped with claws and webs for swimming. Their habitats also need the root systems of mature trees, as well as fallen tree debris. Sea otters, Enhydra lutris (Linnaeus, 1758), are the largest member of the Family Mustelidae (70 species of river otters, skunks, weasels, badgers, etc.) The southern river otter is a member of the weasel family, Mustelidae, in the Mammalian Order of Carnivora. If it appears incomplete or if you wish to see article references, visit the rest of its contents, Eight Inexpensive Ways You Can Help Endangered Species. Such areas can be made more attractive to otters by establishing “otter havens,” where river banks are planted-up and kept free from human disturbance. Photo by Andrea Westmoreland. This is good news for conservation efforts due to the fact that cross genus cloning efforts have come a long way in recent years. Interesting Facts River otters can dive to a depth of 60 feet. Several surveys and studies have been performed on the southern river otter to better understand its declining population numbers to be able to prevent the species from becoming extinct. The Eurasian otter has a diet mainly of fish, and is strongly territorial. The southern river otter is found in the southern parts of Chile and western Argentina. Modern efforts in sea otter conservation began in the early 20th century, when the sea otter was nearly extinct due to large-scale commercial hunting. Nahuel Huapi National Park is the oldest national park in Argentina, established in 1934. Otter is a common name for a carnivorous mammal in the subfamily Lutrinae. Lutrinae is a branch of the Mustelidae family, which also includes weasels, badgers, honey badgers, martens, minks, polecats, and wolverines. The southern river otter is listed as endangered, due to illegal hunting, water pollution, and habitat loss. Predators Humans are the only known predators of the Southern River Otter. They communicate via whistles, twittering noises and spitting sounds, which can be heard at night when it is quiet and still. The Southern river otter is a unique component of the Neotropical ecosystem. Otters are carnivorous mammals in the subfamily Lutrinae. The American mink is a carnivore that feeds on rodents, fish, crustaceans, frogs, and birds. In addition to being brown or black, they also feature some areas of light gold too. Southern sea otter has a high metabolic rate that is about 2.5 times greater than that of terrestrial animals. Although called a "river otter", it inhabits both marine and freshwater environments. Subspecies There are no subspecies of the Southern River Otter. It is endangered in some parts of its range, but is recovering in others. They can grow to be more than a meter long, from head to tail, and weight up to 14 kg. These hydrodynamic members of the weasel family are voracious predators. It is physically similar to the northern and southern river otter, which occur directly north and south of this species' range. Other mustelids include ferrets and mink. Their fur is thick a… At this point, only seven known populations of this species are found throughout Chile and Argentina, and all of the populations are isolated from each other. Methods of Collecting Food. The River otter is associated with river, lake, pond or marsh habitats, but may make extensive overland excursions from one … The largest of the national parks in the region, it has an area of 7,050 km2 (2,720 sq mi), or nearly 2 million acres. of food daily. In Argentina, it is found along the Andes from Tierra del Fuego all the way to the southern part of … It has velvety dark brown hair and light or grayer underparts. Otter is a common name for a carnivorous mammal in the subfamily Lutrinae. It can swim and maneuver better than many fish, and swims with only the top of its head out of the water. Body weight averages about 5–10 kg (11-22 lbs). North American river otters are semi-aquatic mammals endemic to the U.S. and Canada. The main cause of decline is loss of habitat and hunting for its fur. River otters can hold their breath for up to 8 minutes while under water. The groups are centered on a dominant breeding pair and are extremely cohesive and cooperative. Captive breeding programs would also be beneficial for this species, to later reintroduce individuals into the areas where they were previously found in. The southern river otter (Lontra provocax) is a species of otter that lives in Chile and Argentina. Otters thrive on land and in the water. Sea otters are streamlined marine mammals, which look like a larger, fluffier, version of their freshwater cousins, river otters. Amphibious, muscular river otters swim gracefully and quickly underwater to catch prey, and they can run on land. It makes its home in a burrow near the water's edge, and can thrive in river, lake, swamp, or estuary ecosystems. new Creature Feature is posted? Reduced range and population size, vulnerability to oil spills, and oil spill risk from coastal tanker traffic were the primary reasons for listing. It is found in Chile and Argentina. This is due to the fact that the conditions they live under could be compromised easily and that could lead to a significant reduction in their numbers in very little time. These results suggest having shoreline vegetation for cover is vital for their survival. The American mink is a semiaquatic species of mustelid native to North America, though human intervention has expanded its range to many parts of Europe and South America. Its feet are equipped with claws and webs for swimming. The southern river otter can be found in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats, but are mostly found in freshwater lakes and rivers having a significant amount of dense vegetation, especially along the shorelines, which must be present to use as cover. The Argentine Monte (NT0802), or Low Monte, is an ecoregion of dry thorn scrub and grasslands in Argentina. River Otter (Lutra canadensis) What they look like: The River Otter is built for swimming - they have a streamlined body, short legs with webbed feet, dense fur that keeps them warm, a tapered tail, small ears, and nostrils that can close underwater. People also call it North American river otter. There are 13 species of otter found all around the world. Males weigh 22-45 kg and are 1.2-1.5 m in length. Otters always wash themselves after every meal. The forests are named after the city of Valdivia. Three other species: southern river otters, neotropical river otters, and marine otters … Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park is located in Los Lagos Region, Llanquihue Province, of Chile. This article is only an excerpt. They used a lot of methods to hunt otters. The most widely distributed member of the otter subfamily (Lutrinae) of the weasel family (Mustelidae), it is found in the waterways and coasts of Europe, many parts of Asia, and parts of northern Africa. [3] Some invasive aquatic species that have been introduced into that area are limiting the mollusks and fish available for otter prey. It is an endangered species because of poaching, water pollution, and habitat loss. River otters are long-bodied, well-muscled animals, with relatively short legs, five webbed toes on all four feet, (most carnivores have 4 toes on the rear foot), and a long flat tail used as a rudder in the water. Although generally peaceful, the species is territorial, and aggression has been observed between groups. Three other species: southern river otters, neotropical river otters, and marine otters … The riparian forests and rivers in which these otters are mostly found have been disturbed by human presence. The head is broad and somewhat flat with small ears and a powerful, well defined muzzle framed by very long, highly sensitive whiskers, called vibrissae. Females are slightly smaller, weighing 14-33 kg and measuring 1-1.4 m in length. The distribution and habitat, behaviour, and diet of the deer have all been the subject of study. The Valdivian temperate rainforests are characterized by their dense understories of bamboos, ferns, and for being mostly dominated by evergreen angiosperm trees with some deciduous specimens, though conifer trees are also common. Ecological extinction is "the reduction of a species to such low abundance that, although it is still present in the community, it no longer interacts significantly with other species". Its feet are equipped with claws and webs for swimming. They can grow to be more than a meter long, from head to tail, and weight up to 14 kg. It is also known as the Southern river otter and river wolf. This is the major cause of their current low population numbers and endangered conservation status. The North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) is a semiaquatic mammal in the weasel family. Review the size of the southern river otter's geographic range compared to other otters Determine how southern river otters are suited to their natural environment; Practice Exams. Body weight ranges from 5–15 kilograms (11–33 lb). Otters are very social creatures. ... southern sea otters—known as California sea otters—have been making a comeback in recent years. And you definitely don’t want to mess with giant otters, just check out this clip below! The Valdivian temperate forests (NT0404) is an ecoregion on the west coast of southern South America, in Chile and extending into Argentina. Southern River Otters feed on fish, mollusks, crustaceans and birds. Some of the best known are the giant otter, the sea otter, the European otter, the Northern river otter among others. Facts about River Otters talk about an animal, which can be found on the coasts or waterways of North America. They have both claws and webbed feet that help them in the water and on land. Their toes are webbed, they have short legs and they boast a tapered tail ranging up to 15 inches long. Atypical of mustelids, the giant otter is a social species, with family groups typically supporting three to eight members. River otters and giant otters hunt by using their vibrissae to detect movements of prey in the water. River otters eat 15% to 20% of their total body weight each day. The length of the neotropical otter can range from 36–66 centimetres (14–26 in), plus a tail of 37–84 centimetres (15–33 in). The adjacent national parks Vicente Pérez Rosales and Puyehue National Park in Chile, and Nahuel Huapi National Park and Lanín National Park in Argentina, provide a continuous protected area of close to 15,000 km2 (5,792 sq mi). Los Alerces National Park is located in the Andes in Chubut Province in the Patagonian region of Argentina. Habits. Species: Neotropical, Southern River, Marine and Giant Otter. Of the 32 confirmed sites, 31 were of dense forest with thick undergrowth near the shorelines of freshwater systems. The southern river otter is found in the southern parts of Chile and western Argentina. River Otter (Lutra canadensis)What they look like: The River Otter is built for swimming - they have a streamlined body, short legs with webbed feet, dense fur that keeps them warm, a tapered tail, small ears, and nostrils that can close underwater. Their sleek, streamlined bodies are perfect for diving and swimming. The 13 extant otter species are all semiaquatic, aquatic or marine, with diets based on fish and invertebrates. It has a long body, a flat head with small ears, and a broad muzzle with whiskers. The scientific name means "otter cat", and in Spanish, the marine otter is also often referred to as gato marino: "marine cat". Species: Southern River and Marine Otter The Southern River Otter is endangered in Chile and has disappeared from its northern range through hunting and loss of suitable habitat (Medina-Vogel et al 2003). The mammal was identified as a species of otter and has a variety of common names, including North American river otter, northern river otter, common otter and, simply, river otter. Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) images and facts - this gallery includes stock photos of the Southern river otter, which has the smallest geographical range of any other otter species. The biological name is Lontra Canadensis. Its eyes are placed at the top of the head, so it can remain alert whilst the rest of the body is underwater. [5] The results showed signs of the southern river otter were found in 32 of the 275 surveyed sites within the three parks. Other documented common names are American otter, Canada otter, Canadian otter, fish otter, land otter, nearctic river otter, and Prince of Wales otter. There are 13 species of otter found all around the world. She is a Senior Research Technician with the Institute of Zoology, the research division of the Zoological Society of London. Northern River Otter, North American River Otter, Canadian Otter, Common Otter, North American Otter, Northern American River Otter, River Otter Social groups are generally composed of the female and her offspring. They feature hair that is very dense. The river otter's eyes and ears are located high on its head for surface swimming. Yendegaia National Park is located in Tierra del Fuego in the Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region of Chile and contains 150,612 ha of mountainous terrain and Valdivian temperate rain forest. The Eurasian otter, also known as the European otter, Eurasian river otter, common otter, and Old World otter, is a semiaquatic mammal native to Eurasia. Southern river otters were vigorously hunted for their pelts throughout the last 100 years. It is recognized by its powerful neck and elongated body. 10 facts about the giant river otter: The giant river otter is giant, measuring in at 1.5-1.8 m and weighing in at 22-32 kg! The giant otter or giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is a South American carnivorous mammal. Future directions for conserving this species include obtaining better information on the southern river otter's population numbers and locations. They swim using their webbed paws as flippers, and for added speed they will undulate the torso like a dolphin. Although called a "river otter", it inhabits both marine and freshwater environments. Otters are members of the family Mustelidae, the most species-rich family in the order Carnivora. SIZE: 1-1.3m: WEIGHT: 7-9 kg: DIET: Fish (80%), birds, small mammals, frogs: GESTATION: 9 weeks: OFFSPRING: 2-3 cubs: HOME … The giant otter is the biggest, the most dangerous, the deadliest. The river otter is Minnesota's largest aquatic carnivore that lives in most northern Minnesota lakes, ponds, and streams. The otter's ears and nostrils close underwater. It is one of the driest regions in the country. She has worked with the endangered Ethiopian wolf, the Serengeti cheetah and the Atlantic salmon. image: All otters have long, slim, streamlined bodies of extraordinary grace and flexibility, and short limbs; in most cases they have webbed paws. Litter sizes average one to two pups, but up to four can be born at a time. There are 13 species of otters, in seven genera, according to Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Since then, they have not been able to recover due to a number of other threats. The North American river otter, also known as the northern river otter or the common otter, is a semiaquatic mammal endemic to the North American continent found in and along its waterways and coasts. It is known as the common otter or northern river otter. It has a long body, a flat head with small ears, and a broad muzzle with whiskers. The otter is the largest member of the weasel family. Predators Humans are the only known predators of the Southern River Otter. It sometimes is considered a subspecies of Lontra canadensis. Sea otters also have thick, brown fur that insulates them against the … It is the longest member of the weasel family, Mustelidae, a globally successful group of predators, reaching up to 1.7 metres (5.6 ft).Atypical of mustelids, the giant otter is a social species, with family groups typically supporting three to eight members. Among freshwater taxa, the Amazonian manatee and river dolphins are completely aquatic and fully dependent on aquatic ecosystems. Subspecies There are no subspecies of the Southern River Otter. The alerce forests in the park are in an excellent state of conservation. Can otters use tools? There are 13 otter species: giant, marine, sea, hairy-nosed, smooth-coated, speckle-throated, northern river, southern river, neotropical river, African clawless, Congo clawless, Asian small-clawed and Eurasian. Any otter, the Serengeti cheetah and the Patagonian steppe breeding pair and are extremely and! Quickly underwater to catch fish and invertebrates the Argentine Monte ( NT0802 ) or! Way to alpine meadows higher up under the endangered species ( animals & plants.! The 32 confirmed sites, 31 were of dense forest with thick undergrowth near the of... 11 kg ( 25 lb ) 20 % of their total body weight averages about 5–10 (. Patagonian Andes System ( ITIS ) and Canada aid in locating and prey! Are voracious predators can only be found in the southern river otter which... 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